Thrilling Adventure with A Lot of Action. Found The World Serpent. God of War.

in Gaming Photography8 months ago

Hey Fellow Gamers.

I'm glad to see all the appreciation and the comments on my last post in the community. And today I bring you another post about my shots of some special moments from God of War. And today's shots are really interesting and special.

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  • The journey began with us at a valley with no way to go forward. But soon we found this huge mage. The round metal gate is the maze and I needed to solve it to go forward. Do you see the yellow marking and the broken parts, these are the keys, I was in 4 parts and continuously moving and the moving gears were becoming visual every round. I threw my axe through the broken parts to freeze the gears. It stopped that specific part while the other parts were still moving, and when the yellow markings matched together I removed it. After doing this for each part, the door finally unlocked and we reached a new part of the map.
  • After running for a while, we found some footprints of a boar on the ground. And while searching for it, we crossed paths with a huge giant. He was huge and mighty and that huge lava stone he was carrying was a dangerous weapon too. A single strike of it dealt a huge amount of damage. So, I had to keep my distance all the time. Atreus's arrows were a huge help too. And if it wasn't for the throwing ability of my Levithan Axe, it would be impossible to kill it. And I had to fight some normal monsters at the same time too. They were throwing fireballs at me while I was fighting the giant.
  • After a lot of strikes, arrows, and dodging, I was finally able to kill it. In the meanwhile, I was to heal my life several times cause he was able to attack me even when I was trying my best to dodge his attack. Not to mention the fireball-throwing monsters were also attacking me.
  • After slaying the giant it was pretty normal gameplay of running around and looting chests. After a while, we also found the boar we were searching for in the first place. Atreus made his aim perfectly and shot the boar. But unexpectedly, the arrow just bounced off the skin. And we ran to chase it following the footprints. And after running a little, we found it again and Atreus was able to hit it perfectly this time.

  • But it stood up and ran away. Atreus ran after it even though I told him not to. And when I caught up to him, he already entered a maze-type place that was fully foggy and had no visibility. It took a while but I was able to find Atreus at the end.

  • I found Atreus in an unexpected situation. A woman was trying to help the wounded boar and Atreus was standing next to her. Soon, I found out that she was a witch and the boar was magical and also the last of its kind. She was only able to heal the wound for a short time and she needed to bring the boar to her house to fully treat it. She asked me to help carry it and I followed her towards her place. And a new area was discovered called "Sanctuary Grove".

The place was really beautiful and felt magical too. Just look at the view.

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  • Soon I was both amazed and shocked. We were heading towards a huge tree and as soon as we appeared close to it, it started moving and surprisingly a huge turtle appeared from the ground. Turned out her house was under that huge turtle and it must be a thousand years old cause the tree that grew on its back looked like a few hundred years old. Man, I was terrified to enter the house right below its gigantic head.

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  • I helped her with getting some herbs which she used to heal the boar. She had magical powers and immediately figured out my true identity. Then they put a magical mark on both of our necks so that we are not easily marked by enemies. Then she opened a portal for us which led to a place that directly connects to the road to the mountain.

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  • We had to travel by boat from that place. After paddling the board for a while we reached the open water called "The Lake of Nine". We also saw a giant statue of Thor. But only the top of it was above the water level.
  • Then Atreus told me something he learned from his mother and to test the theory I threw my Levithan axe into the water. But, it didn't come back when I recalled it. After it happened, I knew there was something wrong with the water.

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  • Just after throwing the axe, everything started to shake and the water level was dropping rapidly. We also saw something huge moving far away in the deep fog. Looked like a full mountain was moving in the water. Then, all of a sudden, an eye size of a giant appeared in front of us. I have to admit, I was really scared and surprised to see it for the first time. Just look at the size of it.

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It turned out to be a huge snake. According to Atreus, it's called World Serpent. And it turned out to be a peaceful animal with no intention to harm us. It even brought back my axe from the bottom of the lake. The serpent told us something but we were unable to understand it cause it was not in English nither in the Ancient language.

  • After the water level drops, the full statue of Thor is visible now.

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I hope you liked my explanation about the gameplay and the shots I took. You can see the recording of the whole gameplay by clicking here Follow my profile and subscribe my youtube channel for more. Thanks.


I see you're playing this game in a great graphics. May I know what GPU you're using?

You should use text justify written format in your post so your post will be looked far better.

<*div class="text-justify">

Use this part as the starting tag and


use this one as the ending tag (removing * from both tags)

AND, try to avoid table format for the photos too much. Just leave them with the full size so we can see all of them without zooming each one of them.

Okay, I'll keep in mind to use the code next time also I saw many people use this table mode to decorate photos. But, I'll just put them normally next time. And about my GPU I use a 2060 card. And I only play using the standard graphics settings, which is medium I guess. I can't use high or ultra high mode.

Okay, I'll keep in mind to use the code next time

Sounds great

I saw many people use this table mode to decorate photos. But, I'll just put them normally next time.

I didn't ask you to stop using the table format and its fine to use it sometimes. I'm just asking you to refrain from using it too much as we're mainly focusing on those screenshots in this community so it'd be a little hard to click on all those photos to enlarge them and check them out. I hope you understand my point.

I understood. Thanks

Yay! 🤗
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It even brought back my axe from the bottom of the lake.

This is where things got interesting. You see, this is when the world serpent imbues the axe with a poison that is devastating for the Norse Gods. A poison that they cannot heal from instantaneously.

I really had no idea about that. I just recently learned from the witch about the fight between the world serpent and thor.

World Serpent looks scary in this game but is not harmful. @tipu curate 8