Rescuing Brok's Friend From Volunder Mines. God of War

in Gaming Photography5 months ago

Hey Fellow Gamers,

In my previous post, I shared how I was able to leave the temple and finally return to Midgard from Alfheim.

Now, that I have returned to Midgard with the light of ALfheim in the Byfrost I need to head towards the mountain and reach the top of it.

After I got our of the realm travelling room, I met Brok there. There I had a little talk with him and he also increased the power of my axe. Then he told me that there was a favour he needed to ask of me. He told me that there was an alchemist who used to work at a place named Volunder Mines. But, no one is able to reach that plane now and Brok hasn't heard from him for almost 100 winters. I wonder how long these dwarfs and elves can live. To identify the alchemist, he told me that he wears a fancy green ring on his left hand. Brok told me to see if he was still alive and if he was, he asked me to bring him back safely to Brok.

So, now I have two goals to reach, as you can see from the screenshot below, there are two goals showing at the top, that's my compass. One is toward the mountain and another is to the alchemist.

I first decided to go towards the mountain but changed my decision at the last moment. Cause, from the beginning of this game, our journey has been to reach the top of the mountain. My gut feeling told me that the mission wasn't even close and it would be a lot tougher. And because I needed to upgrade my gears, I decided to follow Brok's mission and complete it first.

So, I started rowing my boat towards that location. I thought it would be a long way to get there. But, luckily it was nearby and I reached there after a while.

After we entered the place and climbed up some rocks, I encountered this narrow way and it was so short that Kratos could barely fit his body through it.

After a while, we also found this small cave and the more we advanced through it, the cave became more and more small. It got so small that we had to crawl through it.

Surprisingly, Brok was already there. At the end of the cave. There, he warned us that we would find the troubles from now on. The more we advance, the more tough it will become.

We opened the gate and started to advance through the caves. We encountered some monsters and a revenant too. These were small battle moments with no specific scene to take shots of. So, I'm not presenting any screenshots of those moments.

After we got to the main structure of the mine. We found a soul eater there. In the image below, you can see Atreus pulling my hand to hide with him so that the soul eater doesn't see us. He was afraid of it because once it kills anyone the soul gets lost in the dark eternity. There's no afterlife for that poor soul.

After the soul eater left, we continued our journey. But, there were a lot of enemies on every spot and they were constantly attacking us not even giving me the time to heal.

After a while, we found a locked gate. It was tricky to open it but Kratos's super-strength helped this time. The enemies were guarding the gate so I had to kill all of them first.

But, right after I passed through the gate a revenant started to attack me. These revenants are always tough to kill and kind of annoying too. But, the newly upgraded axe of Atreus was helpful this time in killing this revenant.

I got stuck in the last step and had to solve this tricky puzzle to open this gate to reach my final destination.

I also found this rare chest with precious loot in it.

There I found this soul-eater golem again. And if you notice the image below, you'll see that a hand is sticking out of its body. I suspected it was the hand of that alchemist. And Kratos also decided to attack it. Atreus was afraid of it and that's why he wanted to attack the Golem most. To break the fear of Atreus.

You may remember that I fought two similar giants in Alfheim. But this one was tougher than before and had more life too. I was having a lot of trouble killing it and I only had a one-second break between his shield and blow of attack to attack at its chest.

But, I was getting hit by the blast every time and died once too. Luckily Atreus revived me with a ressuction stone and brought me back to life.

As you can see, I was barely able to dodge his last blast attack and I used this opportunity to take him down for good.

Here are the scenes of me pulling out his heart from his chest to finish him. It was a running cinematic scene otherwise I would have been able to capture some great pictures from this scene.

I retrieved the ring along with a lot of loot that I got from killing the soul-eater.

The mission was completed once I returned the ring to Brok.

I hope you liked my shots and the post. Follow my profile for more and thank you for your precious time.


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I thought that battle axe was pretty cool in this game, it's very similar to Thor's hammer.

Yes, it is. It is because of this axe that I was able to kill all those strong opponents. But, There's a lot more upgrading that needs to be done to achieve its full potential.

That monster at the end looks cool. @tipu curate 8