The death of a member of the McReary family in GTA IV

in Gaming Photography2 months ago

Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the wonderful world of video games, welcome to my publication.

Today I share with you my next chapter titled as cleaning the streets, this chapter is inspired by one of Ray's missions, where at the time I had to face the main responsible for the theft of diamonds and Ray's money, where this time, I went to the place where his partner was, who blames him as a thief, where Ray gave me the order to kill his partner while we are in search of the person responsible for the theft of money and diamonds.

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Previously, I had the mission to kill one of the members of the McReary family, who in a discussion between two brothers like Francis and Derrick, decide to go to talk in a square in peace and tranquility, but neither of the two can stand each other, one is a police chief and the other is a mobster like the rest of his brothers, the only one who has tried to do things right, but is still a mafioso only at the level of politics is Francis, so now both ask me to kill the other, so my decision in this mission is easy, as Francis is a very annoying person and it was a very wise decision, since none of his family wanted it.

So I opted to kill Francis instead of Derrick, so I had to flee the scene because the police were chasing me, but it wasn't for killing someone, it was for crashing a police car.

I went to where Ray was, who was very upset because his partner had called him a thief for the disappearance of the money from the sale of the diamonds and the disappearance of the diamonds themselves, so Ray sent me to kill his partner, who is in his luxury hotel.

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I had gone to the hotel where Ray's partner was, I was surprised to see Niko's entrance at that moment, again he entered as if something bad was going to happen and that he would kill everyone in the hotel, but here he only came to kill some drug dealers, we activated the elevator and waited for him to come down.

After I went down and opened the door, I noticed how there were many guards at the entrance, they were even on 2 floors, since the guy we are looking for is on the roof, so I opened fire with each and every one of them.

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It was amazing to see how I killed all the enemies in my way, because they all used machine guns and if it were not because I can attack from the walls I would not advance much in this mission, it was very difficult to dodge those bullets, because the game itself has nothing that can help you dodge those bullets, here you just stick on a wall and shoot without aiming.

When you get to the part where Ray's partners are, I had to use a rocket launcher to kill all those who were below, and at the top I killed those who remained with the machine gun, it was somewhat easy this mission.

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After killing all of Ray's associates, I had the opportunity to take some screenshots to show you these views from the skyscrapers of this building.

The bad thing is that I had to move fast, since the cops were like crazy looking for me to catch me, but I had to use the elevator again to get out of this place, although I had in mind that the cops would be downstairs waiting for me, but when I got out of there there was no one, so it was easy to escape from them.

Next, I had received a call from Franckie, one of the brothers of the McReary family, who told me about the death of Francis, so they still do not know that Niko was the one who killed them, so they were inviting me to the funeral, since I was on my way to accompany them in this moment so complicated for them, although they did not care in the least, only the mother of the family, who was crying for the death of her son.

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Honestly, I felt a little bad to see how Francis's mother cried for the loss of her son, but they themselves are to blame for getting into trouble, even so, what will happen next was something very crazy, since the McReary's have many enemies, so there will be moments of great action.

Thank you very much for having come this far in my publication, I hope you like it, until next time.

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The separators are of my authorship, the screenshots were made in my player profile on my computer, the GIF edits are created by me.

This is the program I used to create my design:

Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

Traslated by Deepl



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