American Distillation - I.

in Gaming Photography7 months ago (edited)

Arthur, Dutch and Bill become temporarily deputized citizens of Scarlett Meadows County as they helped Deputy Archibald shut down a moonshine distillery and steal a wagonload of the Braithwaites moonshine.

The mission started from the Sheriff Office of Rhodes and it was 8:52 AM with 20 degree Celsius when I reached Rhodes riding from the camp and I started going towards the sheriff office leaving my horse behind.

After reaching the sheriff office, I found both Dutch and Bill making fun with the sheriff there as they made the sheriff drink some heavy alcohol.

Sheriff Gray was too drunk that he couldn't walk normal and he went outside leaving them in the office. Dutch took some lawmen badges and attached on all of their costumes and it looked like they promoted themselves.

Now Dutch asked me to come outside and I noticed Deputy Archibald came riding a wagon and we were going on a raid. Dutch advised me to join the deputy in the wagon when they'll follow riding their horse.

I didn't ask my horse to follow us but it kept following us on its own. When the deputy was riding the wagon, Dutch and Bill was behind us following and this moment looked good.

They tried gossiping a lot and suddenly we noticed a wrecked wagon by the road there and there were some dead bodies as well. We stopped there to check out the incident.

The deputy started investigating around and it looked like those guys were shot down though I thought it was an accident. Thinking it might be the work of a gang, the deputy said his peoples will come by to take care of the incident so we left the place.

As the deputy found some papers at that crime scene, he asked me to take the rein so he can check on the papers. I started riding the wagon fast when the deputy was telling me the ways to go.

We reached the swarm close to Saint Denis and that's where our targets were relaxing. The deputy suggested we bring in anyone we find there alive and we noticed four bad guys there.

Me and Bill took the left side to take care of when Dutch and the deputy went to the right side. We had to knock down those peoples without being spotted and there I went to take care of that man ignoring sending Bill.

There I noticed Dutch and the deputy was carrying along other two after trying them hard when I was going to knock down one more.

This was the fourth man who was relaxing by the lake and I had to knock him down and tie him up.

Here I'm pausing the story for today and I'll come talk about the rest of this story very soon.

"The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."


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How chaotic it was brother, but I loved the part where you go into a forest, the mist particles looked really good.

Written by lionsaturbix

Yeah, the mist particles were too realistic. Actually everything in this game is too realistic.