The crack between the real and the fictitious


For this occasion I bring you a cool photo session I did while I was advancing a little in the video game of "Alice Madness Returns ”, as you may already know, the dark style in some scenes can be interesting, so much so that they are worth to be photographed.

So to give you a hint on the cover I have put the title “hallucinations”, because here we literally see how Alice's mind seems to be tormented to the point of altering reality and teleporting us to another world, maybe this phrase will make more sense at the end of the post ;)...


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Cover created in Photoshop with screenshots from the video game

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This adventure starts with a white cat which appears in the alleys of the city and Alice as a curious girl told me to follow it.

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But after a while that cute kitten disappears into the blind street, and some spectral beings appear, which I did not hesitate to photograph, I can tell you that this scene is a little disturbing, but relax, because it is only Alice's imagination.

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Luckily for Alice, the bad play of her mind was interrupted by an old woman, who was formerly her doctor, so she invites her to her pigeon house.

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I was once in this old lady's house, and it seemed like a perfect place for pictures, so it was worth the fright we had earlier.

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The sunset from this rooftop is beautiful at now.

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Some pigeons were outside their cages, which is strange, as they do not leave no matter how close I am to them.

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A more general overview of the place before going to talk to the old lady.

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But again Alice's hallucinations took over her reality and turned this old woman into a monster.

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But when I thought there would be no escape the ground started to collapse making Alice fall into the void, I look forward to seeing what happens in the next post.

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Requirements to play:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows XP SP3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) 1.60 GHz or higher; AMD Athlon X2 (or equivalent) 1.60 GHz or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk: 8.5 GB of free space
Graphics: *nVidia GeForce 7600 with 256 MB RAM or ATI Radeon X1650 with 256 MB or higher
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
DirectX®: 9.0c

Translated with:

All images were captured in the video game
