CCC'S Street Art contest #153 :The leader of the gorillas

in StreetArt2 years ago

Hello friends in Street Art contest...
My post today to contribute in CCC'S Street Art contest #153 with admin @digi-me. I will show my friends, the street art that I found behind the Kotanopan road, the railroad tracks, Medan city. I found this street art on the pillars that support the railway line from Medan to Kualanamu International Airport. The first street art I came across was a large gorilla painting.


Painting of a large gorilla with white hair and fur all over his body, we can see his white hair, as if it is fluttering in the wind. The white fur on its body is covered in bright Tosca green, so we can only see the white hairs on its hands. I wondered, why do painters cover all parts of the gorilla's body with green? why not show a full body of hair?


Around the gorillas, the painter gives attractive colors with the dominant orange color. This striking color, makes the gorilla's cold gaze and sharp gaze become closed. It took me a few minutes, to see how strong the glare of this Gorilla's eyes is. It looks like he is a leader of the gorilla nation, a firm facial expression with a sturdy jaw, adds to the impression he is a formidable male gorilla.


Apart from the gorilla painting, in the same pillar, I also found another painting, which is a painting of a man with a hat covering his head. I could only partially photograph it, because it was blocked by a car parked beside it.I think this painting is interesting because there is a brick painting as the background for this painting. The painter gives a calm, unobtrusive gray color.


In addition, the combination of blue and black above the man's head is aligned with the blue color on the man's wrist, so it looks harmonious.


Thank you for reading my post. I also give special thanks to @melinda010100, @ervin-lemark, @ecency,@trincowski, @heroldius, @tobetada, @arcange, who have supported this street art contest.

All the photos I took with the Realme GT master Limited edition 5G camera.

Best Regards


This is a beautiful find, I like the white beard, the second painting is beautiful as well.

Thanks for positif feedback @joetunex

You are welcome 🙂

Great pillar with this gorilla, cool style... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

All the success for the contest.

Thanks for support and positif feedback @heroldius