Hello all street art lovers! As my first publication of this year, I would like to start with one of my favorite communities, showing you photographs of two artistic works made with the mosaic technique. Both are located in the Plaza "Diego Ibarra", in Caracas (Venezuela) and in my opinion, they are quite striking. The first fascinates me in terms of composition, since it shows us three quite tall humanoid figures, trying to position themselves in the space made up of the wall and to do so, they contort their bodies in quite curious ways. It made me think of a sketch I did a while ago of a human figure twisting around on itself that I would be interested in working on later.

The next one immediately caught my attention as soon as I saw it, as it is located inside a huge building that, according to my mother, in the past was a quite popular place where people used to go to do their shopping. Although currently, it is almost abandoned, the stalls or premises are mostly empty and one of the saddest things is that that majestic mural that covers an entire extensive wall is hidden among the dark corridors.
As best I could, I tried to take some photographs, but it was more than evident that the type of lamps used in the space were not the most appropriate for the environment and did not allow the image to be captured well. As it is quite large, I couldn't get a photo of the mosaic in its entirety, but at least we can appreciate it a little bit in parts.
In it, through mosaics, the artist shows us the work of the indigenous people in the field. The mosaic technique always surprises me because for me, it requires great skill to be able to adequately show what we want to show and not make it look like a mess of pictures put together ha ha.
As part of my path as an artist, I would like to be able to try to make a small mosaic at some point and of course, show it here on the platform.
Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.
Until next time!
¡Hola a todos los amantes del arte callejero! Como mi primera publicación de éste año, me gustaría comenzar con una de mis comunidades favoritas, mostrándoles las fotografías de dos trabajos artísticos realizados con la técnica del mosaico. Ambos están ubicados en la Plaza "Diego Ibarra", en Caracas (Venezuela) y a mi parecer, son bastante llamativos. El primero, me fascina en cuanto a la composición, ya que nos muestra a tres figuras humanoides bastante altas, tratando de ubicarse en el espacio compuesto por la pared y para ello, contorsionan su cuerpo de formas bastante curiosas. Me hizo pensar en un boceto que hice hace un tiempo de una figura humana retorciéndose sobre sí misma y que me interesaría trabajar más adelante.

El siguiente, capturó mi atención de inmediato en cuanto lo vi, ya que se encuentra ubicado dentro de un enorme edificio que, según mi madre, en el pasado era un lugar bastante popular en el que las personas solían dirigirse a hacer sus compras. Aunque en la actualidad, está casi abandonado, los puestos o locales están en su mayoría vacíos y una de las cosas más triste es que aquel majestuoso mural que abarca toda una extensa pared, está oculto entre los pasillos oscuros.
Como pude, traté de tomarle algunas fotografías, pero era más que evidente que el tipo de lámparas utilizadas en el espacio, no eran las más adecuadas para el entorno y no permiten capturar bien la imagen. Como es bastante grande, no pude obtener una fotografía del mosaico en su totalidad, pero al menos, podemos apreciarlo un poco por partes.
En él, a través de los mosaicos, el artista nos muestra la faenas de los indígenas en el campo. La técnica de mosaico siempre me sorprende porque para mí, requiere de una gran habilidad para poder mostrar adecuadamente aquello que queremos mostrar y que no luzca como un desastre de cuadros juntos ja ja
Como parte de mi camino como artista, me gustaría poder intentar hacer un mosaico pequeño en algún momento y claro, mostrarlo aquí en la plataforma.
Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.
¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

Impressive wall with all these characters. I really like the style on the first two photos. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.
Have a great day
Oh yes, that composition is quite charming 😊 Thank you very much for coming to look at the photographs and for the support. Also, have a happy day 😌💚
I love what they have done, it looks really beautiful
I hope at some point you can create your own mosaic art, it would be great to see it.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day.Without a doubt, dear friend @suezoe, they are two really striking works, and very colorful
Thank you very much for coming to see them, they are very impressive due to their size, the first for its height and the second for its width. I can't imagine the time invested to be able to make something so beautiful. I hope that if I can do something in this technique, it looks decent at least ha ha Thank you also for your nice comment and for your good wishes. Also, have a wonderful day 🤗✨💚