Enlightenment lotus art on the corner of the street wall of Odisha (India)

in StreetArt2 years ago

Lotus art is a popular form of street art in India and is often seen decorating the walls of streets and buildings. The lotus flower symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. It is a beautiful and meaningful subject to be depicted in art.

In your case, you created the lotus art using a unique process. First, you drew the design with chalk on a brown background. The use of chalk allowed you to freely sketch out the basic shape and structure of the lotus flower, giving you the ability to make changes and refine the design before making a more permanent mark with paint.

Once you were satisfied with the chalk design, you painted over it with white paint. The white paint provides a stark contrast against the brown background, emphasizing the delicate and intricate details of the lotus. The white color also symbolizes the purity and enlightenment associated with the lotus flower.

While painting, you likely had to pay close attention to detail and take your time to create a realistic representation of the flower. This could include painting the delicate petals, stamens, and leaves with a steady hand and attention to proportion. The use of white paint also allowed you to create highlights and shadows, giving the lotus a sense of depth and dimension.

Creating street art is not only about artistic skill but also about communication and expression. With this lotus painting, you are making a statement about the cultural significance of the lotus flower and the role it plays in Indian spirituality. By placing the artwork in a public space, you are allowing people from all walks of life to experience and appreciate it, which is one of the main purposes of street art.

The creation of this street art lotus painting is a combination of technical skill and cultural significance. The process of sketching with chalk and painting with white paint allowed is way old and traditional, in our locality.


Nice work... I really like this pattern. Thanks for sharing this pic on The StreetArt Community.