What do you give of this piece? A modern renaissance kind of art?

in StreetArt4 years ago

I have no idea what style this is, but I love it. There's so much happening here at the same time and I just can't handle that the coloring is so similar and plain and yet, the forms and the shapes are also so differentiating from each other, allowing the viewer to admire each part of this piece without getting lost and at the same time, if one just looks at it, it appears like a mess of things with no shapes and no way of picturing what the artist wanted to portray.

It's like one of those renaissance style kind of paintings, where there is so much happening in one piece that the admirer had to stare at the piece for minutes to actually give something out of the painting and, in the end, for the trained eye, it would start to make sense.

To be able to interpret this kind of graffiti you need time, a little bit of knowledge about art, a tiny bit of street art knowledge but mostly, some imagination and creativity.

I usually describe the pieces I post on Steemit and my interpretation but not on this one, this time (and I hope this post get's looked at at least by one or two persons) I will let you interpret it and give me your opinion.

So, what do you give of this piece?



Great work with all these details, flora and fauna. Impressive. it looks like old tapestry. But the meaning of this work remains a mystery for me.
Thanks for sharing this pic on The StreetArt Community.

Beautiful mural 👍
Sometimes you shouldn't look for an explanation and just admire the talent of the artist 😀

I love posting murals with my interpretation or a short description but yes, as you say some times that can't be done and we should just admire the piece :)