Thanks for asking, as many don't even mind. For me, as far as you make all mentions to the artists you are able to provide, like name, website, instagram account, youTube channel, etc, it is OK to post other`s work.
The only nogo is not to mention anything.
This is what happens all the time. People downloading works, using them, doing all kinds of weird stuff without mentioning the original source, are everywhere. During the 2000s I had two cases that reached me. One advertising used my work, at that time I had, and still have, better things to do as to waste my time to sue them (and had barely any cents in my pocket) ..everyhting hits back (even if you may never see this, and maybe we shouldn't, anyway I am convinced about that). Other time I saw my work being sold on a picturesell site on the web...then I stopped to care about (my mp3s are on strange Russian download platforms, etc. Etc.. Don't even want to know anymore where my profit is going in this matrix world)
In the end it is all advertising, although it is not cool to see others making profit from your work, especially if you are a starving artist by that time.
Recently I got the opposite, got no benefit from it, but for me it was a honor to see this - someone, without asking for permission, which made me think a little bit at first, took a painting of mine and tattooed it on someone's arm. As the tattooer made a mention and got me noticing it, it was OK for me.. And a big honor that some fan, somewhere in the world, has my painting tattooed on the lower arm.
All in all copyright is one of the most important and yet least reviewed topics when it comes to art production.
One day, when everything will be connected, every image may have its identification and this will be a thing of the past. At least there I can see a bright future for one profession - artists :)
Interesting to have your point of view... It must be really "annoying" to see your work used without knowing it.
I really like your idea that a kind of copyright goes directly to the artist when the image is used on Hive... But difficult to realize. It's necessary to motivate the artists to register on Hive (I try but difficult 😀).
Yeah the problem still is a "let-them-do" mentality instead of "let-me-do"... For the most its easier to just follow the flock I think, it's what we learn on schools, what rules society, what is in the minds, maybe it is starting to change