Episode 2 of the Susan Religi-Spam Chronicles on local community FB page

in Okay Boomer5 months ago (edited)

Greetings! There has been another episode of drama on our local community Facebook group and I wanted to share for your amusement. (Note image is combined.)

Based on my investigation, Susan seems to fit the bill of a Boomer or Karen that joys in using our resident group as her personal proselyization platform. As stated previously, I don't hate Boomers but it true these stereotypes exist for a reason. I think this post will be another case and point.

Using my digital AI assistant, Microsoft Copilot, we have produced a summed up play-by-play of this engagement. Here it is as follows:

Summary and Play-by-Play:

  1. Justa Otto: Reports the woman for spreading religious beliefs on the community page, emphasizing it's not a religious forum and many people have asked her to stop.
  2. Kyle Galvan: Agrees with Justa Otto.
  3. Justa Otto: Encourages Kyle to keep reporting the posts and questions why admins allow them.
  4. Camille Faulkner: Asks Justa how he knows the beliefs are false and suggests that religious discussions are part of the community. She advocates for respectful disagreement and freedom to discuss various topics.
  5. Anthony A Davis: Agrees with Justa and Kyle, stating that the admins advised him to just keep scrolling and to contribute to the group instead of lurking. He finds it discourteous for Susan to use the page as a platform for pushing her religious views.
  6. Justa Otto: Provides the group's about page to argue that religious posts are not appropriate.
  7. Reuben Breining: Says sharing beliefs is fine, but forcing them down everyone's throat is unacceptable.
  8. Taylor Jordynn: Questions why Justa Otto is so upset and suggests just scrolling past the posts.
  9. William Velazquez: Insults Justa Otto, suggesting the option to block posts if they are bothersome and accusing Justa of enjoying being confrontational on social media.
  10. William Velazquez: Questions what constitutes "relevant" community content.
  11. William Velazquez: Challenges Reuben Breining on how beliefs are being forced down people's throats.
  12. William Velazquez: Argues that under Justa's assumption, many other posts would violate standards and questions if Justa complains about all of them.
  13. Anthony A Davis: Reiterates that relevant community content includes anything pertinent to Converse, Universal City, and Live Oak residents.
  14. William Velazquez: Questions if religious establishments within the area are relevant and challenges Anthony’s authority to speak for all residents. He emphasizes religious freedoms.
  15. William Velazquez: Points out the irony of a Marine who served to protect religious freedoms telling someone to shut up about religion.
  16. Justa Otto: Responds sarcastically, suggesting William is triggered.
  17. Camille Faulkner: Asks Justa Otto to explain the difference between sharing and forcing religious beliefs, and mentions that Susan's Zionist Christian views are political.
  18. Anthony A Davis: Points out that topics like religion and politics are often taboo at family gatherings and suggests that the forum's "No Political Posts" rule should apply to religious posts as well.
  19. William Velazquez: Insults Justa Otto and brings up Planned Parenthood.
  20. Anthony A Davis: Emphasizes that posts supporting Israel are political and highlights the intersection of religion and politics.
  21. William Velazquez: Responds with a political argument about Israel and accuses Anthony of shoving beliefs down others' throats.
  22. Anthony A Davis: Concludes that religious posts often have political implications and suggests agreeing to disagree.

(Full text thread will be dropped in the replies.)

For those that know me, they may note the incredible irony of Mr. Velazquez insinuating that I am behaving like a "hateful democrat".

It is also an interesting inversion that the self-proclaimed Atheist is defending Susan's religious spamming of the community forum while the professing Christian is arguing against it. You'd figure it would be the other way around.

It was surprising to see William ensnare himself in his own reply. At no time did I even push my religious or political views. I just suggested that "Zionist Christianity" is political and then William goes into an unsolicited polical diatribe about Israel.

Obligatory, Yu-Gi-Oh trap card gif enclosed.

Captions / GIF conversion produced with FilmoraGo Android

He made my point for me. How considerate!

Last time, I said I was going to not press this issue further because the people involved are obstinate and just won't change. It's like trying to squeeze water out of a rock. I really just intended to reply to Justa informing her of my experience with the admins so others don't waste too much time.

Even so, dealing with these people can be entertaining. Last time, I was called an accuser of the church and this time I am a "hateful democrat". What will it be next time? 😅

Thanks for stopping by ✌️
