New Zealand Adventure - The Pancake Rocks

in TravelFeed4 years ago

Mmm pancakes...

Sorry I lost track there. So much so that it's been nearly a year since my last travel post!
No not because of Covid 19, this is prior to the world ending.

So where was I?...

Pancake Rocks

Me looking rad in my $2 sunglasses I got from Oz

After spending a night in a car and waking up next to a coastal road, it was time to continue on my journey. Next stop was the Pancake Rocks.

The Pancake rocks are located on the North Western side of New Zealands South Island, not too far from Nelson.

Anything was better than my expeience in Greymouth!

At the time, it was a free place to visit which was really nice of them, however it wouldn't surprise me if they made it into a massive attraction like most places. There's already a souverneer shop there.

Anyway, here they are!


You can see where they get the name from. All those lines make the rocks look like a stack of pancakes.

The way they're formed is to do with the sea eroding the rock over time. But these have lot's of layers of limestone which is easier to erode than normal rock. So what's left is a result of what you see here.


As you walk around, every now and then the sea washes in betwwen the cliffs and slams into what's left of the coastline. Stand close enough and you'll get wet!


The whole place is well laid out, there's a path to follow but no massive fences blocking the view. Just short barriers you can easily step over. However you'd have to be a complete idiot to do so. People have lost their lives here trying to get a "good selfie" for their instagram.

There's even a sign warning you. Look.


It's not just the rocks further out that have this pattern. The entire area is moulded and it almost looks and feels man made. Check out these steps.


This caught my eye too. It's a drawring of some rocks which over the years people have noticed "faces" within the formation.


Here are those rocks.


How many did you find?

All in all, this place is certainly worth stopping for and what I thought would be a bit boring turned out to be quite interesting.




Funny how things turn out.




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Amazing post ♥️ fab photos and words as always gorgeous x from the proud girlfriend x