Traditional Dances of Dayak Tribe (Desa Budaya Pampang)

in TravelFeed2 years ago

Hi Beautiful People!

I hope your Monday was as beautiful as you 🤗 I know to some, it's still Monday, but it is Tuesday already, here in Indonesia, and today am gonna be relaxing, enjoying traditional massage. Hopefully I can stand it, I remember when I was little, these kinds of massages were just too hurting as the masseuse used too much strength 😁😁😁😁

I hope the person can fix my right arm, somehow. I haven't been able to lift anything, not even a piece of paper, since I overused it at work, 2 months ago! I thought it was just muscle sore, but 2 months now? That's crazy. If the massage doesn't work, I may need an x-ray to see what's going on 🙄

We went for a road trip 2 days ago, to a cultural village, about 4 H drive (8 H in total) if you are driving regular route, however since there's a new freeway built, we took freeway eventhough the ticket was steep, and it was a breeze, less than 8 H in total obviously 😍

In this cultural village, the people are known as Dayak tribe. A native to Kalimantan (Borneo) Island, all the way from Indonesia to Malaysia. They have unique appearance, such as long dangling ears for either gender, awesome traditional instrument called Sape, that produces sounds similar to guitar, and great tribe style tattoos.

At the village, they entertained us with 10 dances, bazillion dancers, from little ones to older dancers.


The dress are colorful, lovely, not to mention the attributes, from bracelet, to ear piece, to hat piece, etc. The dancers? Beautiful, the guys and the girls.

The dances were performed at a Lamin house, which is a traditional house of Dayak people - wooden long house.

Some wood carving can be seen at some pillars, while for the background of the dancers, a long wall is decorated with colorful wooden decoration, which supposedly showing their way of life among hornbills and tigers.

Some dances were about welcoming community, others about peace and harmony, and I am so bad at remembering which dance is which, plus I didn't think to record the host of the house while he was informing the audiences about the dance(s) 😜 In my defense, my phone is getting old, the battery is easily depleted, so I have to be diligent in choosing the importance vs the shenanigans 😜🤪😜🤪 However, I so remember what one dance was called, Hudoq, as the ladies covered their face. I do have to mention, when I was little and the TV would showcase Hudoq dance, they had actual wooden masks, so interesting, while the one shown at the cultural village was performed by ladies and the face coverings were made of beads instead wooden mask.



Sadly I couldn't really get any nice pictures as dancers danced, too much movements 😜 My pictures are all blurry and the lighting inside the Lamin was almost none.

One of the dances, they were showing us how to use traditional blowgun, called Sumpit (Sipet to some). They welcomed audiences who would like to try, and my oldest gave a try, quite nicely done, I must add. Yep, I was proud 😁😍😁😍


At the end of the 10th dance, we were welcomed to join them, to dance along. My youngest and I took part in it. Should you have the time and would like to check out the dances, click the vlog, but please don't bully my fat stomach 🙈🙊🙉

See you guys!


Hope the massage helped! I’m trying to remember if I’ve seen these ones and I don’t know if we haven’t or if I am just not indexing it. Name otherwise sounds familiar 😵

Sounds like you’re having fun and maybe time for a new phone 😆

Didnt have massage in the end 😫

Send money lah, i'm too poor, haiyah 😳😫😳😫

It's a bit like that XD

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