Golden Grum Delegate-Away!

in THGaming3 years ago

Enter today for a chance to receive a gold-foil legendary delegation next season!



Ever since I joined Hive and started playing Splinterlands in October of 2021, I have been awed by the great community of players that support each other in so many ways. And as I have been benefiting nicely from the efforts of the community, I have resolved to myself to do my part as well when I am able.

Recently, I cleared the 7500 CP hurdle and was able to try my hand at the Silver League in Modern play for the first time!

Oops! With only two summoners able to summon level-2 cards, and only one truly viable leveled splinter team, I was quickly overwhelmed by teams led by level-2 and -3 summoners. It wasn’t a complete disaster, but it did become clear that I would progress faster in the game by remaining in the Bronze League for a while longer while leveling up more of my cards. Needless to say, I wasn’t feeling like I was much in a position to start giving back in any meaningful way.

But then near the end of July in 2022, I caught an alchemy potion as part of my daily focus awards. This gave me 5 of each type of potion so I went to open a single booster pack of Chaos Legion cards. Mousing over the unrevealed cards, one of them was gold. That’s a legendary, right? Cool! My very first legendary from a pack opening!! When I revealed the card, there sat a Grum Flameblade.

If you have followed my Share Your Battles posts, you may have noticed, and recall, that I was lucky enough to catch a Gurm Flameblade in his original airdrop. So, I was actually a little disappointed that I had doubled up this card rather than receiving a different legendary. But there was something I didn’t realize…

I shifted to the cards page curious to see how many Grums need to be combined to make a level-2, even though I knew I wouldn’t be combining them anytime soon. Shock! Surprise! There was a GOLD FOIL Grum in my collection! With the golden outline from my mouseover and with this being the first legendary I have received in a pack, I mistook the golden hue of the card as normal when, in fact, I had landed the mythical gold foil legendary!!! And can you imagine, I was actually disappointed when I first saw it!!!
h2_Good for us.png

Well, as I have just said, I am currently working to level up some cards to be able to play in the Modern Silver League more successfully. I can’t summon a level-2 Grum, and my CP is already more than maxed for the league I am currently most suited to play.

So, I've come to the conclusion that this is a good opportunity to start giving back to the community that has helped me along my way since I began my Splinterlands journey.

Consequently, here’s your chance to flaunt a GF legendary in play or simply beef up your CP by 12500 for the season!


I have chosen to delegate my GF Grum Flameblade to a lucky community member for all of next season. Each season I intend to redelegate the card to another player. I plan on continuing to do so until the card actually becomes useful to me which will probably be when I can either summon the level-2 legendary or when I need the CP. But until then, I hope you get a chance to use it instead!


Now, with a new season just a bit over seven days away, it's time to find someone to whom to delegate my Golden Grum.

I want to thank the participants in last season’s delegation drawing. @crazyphantombr, @criptosectadepit, @pero82 and @shawnmichael-gt, I want to thank you all and invite you to enter again, for the upcoming season.

And the winner was…


Congratulations to @pero82 who received the delegation. I asked them if they would be so kind as to share a battle link so we could all see the Grum in action. And I’m pleased that I received one.

This match features a Grum vs. Grum faceoff! Will my Grum be the golden boy or can its opponent bring him down? You can see for yourself here.

  1. To be eligible for the delegation simply leave a comment to this post requesting to be included. That’s all. Comments that don’t request to be entered won’t be, so be sure to follow this simple rule.
  2. No bots and only one entry per person. Please, do not enter using multiple alt. accounts. If I learn that you have entered using more than one Splinterlands account, I will immediately remove the delegation, and you will be banned from any future x-away that I may run.
  3. If your Splinterlands account is different from your comment posting account, please include your IGN as well.

  4. blankbar.pngWinner will be chosen as early as I can manage on the first day of the upcoming season using the Random Hive Picker located at I will enable the "remove bots" setting and will delegate the card as soon as the winner is picked.
  5. Winner will be announced in a reply to their comment to this post. If you are curious to see who won, just check back here after the start of the new season.

Good luck, all!


found here). Without all of you, naturally, none of this would be possible.I want to send a special thanks to the Splinterlands team, all the supportive Splinterlands players/bloggers and all the folks over in the HIVE #Splinterlands community (

found here). For great gaming content and a supportive community in games like Splinterlands and beyond be sure to check out THGAMING.And another special thanks to the folks over in the #THGAMING community (


Count me in please
Great card

!PIZZA @crazyphantombr

Thanks for the support and good luck in the drawing.

!GIF pizza !PIZZA


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
tinyputerboy tipped pero82 (x1)
shawnmichael-gt tipped tinyputerboy (x1)
crazyphantombr tipped tinyputerboy (x1)
tinyputerboy tipped crazyphantombr (x1) @tinyputerboy tipped @shawnmichael-gt (x1)

Learn more at

Count me in! Ty 🙏
ign: @pero82

Thanks for the support and good luck in the drawing.

!GIF pizza !PIZZA

Please include me in this round. Thanks!




Congratulations! You were selected to receive the delegation this season! The card will remain delegated to the previous winner until the start of the new season. As soon as I am online in the new season, I will undelegate the card from them and delegate it to @Shawnmichael-gt.

If you are willing, I would like to feature a battle you engage in as part of my post for next season's delegate-away. It's not required, but if you would be so kind as to reply to this comment with a battle link, I would really appreciate it. If you don't want to, or if you don't use the card in battle and just hold it for the CP, that is fine, too.

Enjoy, and I hope you enter for the delegation next season as well.

I will be happy to share a battle or two using Grum. If RNG gives the right rules…lol

Thanks for your support and good luck in the drawing.

!GIF pizza !PIZZA