Splinterlands Battles Contest! Gold Card Giveaway! #12

in THGaming3 years ago


Hello everyone and welcome to my contest! I decided to try something a little different this time and want to introduce a battle contest!

The idea is that I'd like to highlight a battle or two featuring some strange, exciting, or FRUSTRATING battles for your viewing pleasure!

How This Will Work

This community is great and very welcoming to newcomers. If you browse PeakD, you'll see just how much user generated content there is which ranges from basic how to play guides, to more advanced strategies from the top leaderboard players, to investment advice!


To do my part in giving back, I'm starting a giveaway!

The rules are simple:

  1. Comment below with an interesting, strange, or hilarious battle (don't forget to include your in-game name)
  2. Provide a short comment on what makes your battle unique or special
  3. Upvote this post
  4. Entries must be entered before the post pays out (7 days from when I post).
  5. You may submit up to 3 entries but you can only win once.

That's it!

If I select your battle to be featured on my next post, I'll send you a prize! Runner-up prizes will also be given!

Prizes for this Week

For this week, I'll be sending the winner of the Featured Battle a GOLD Vampire Bat and two runner-ups a Dhampir Infiltrator and a Gargoya Devil!

1st Place
Runner-up #1
Runner-up #2
(Featured Battle)(Honorable Mention)(Honorable Mention)

Featured Battle Winner: @Flummi97!


Congratulations @flummi97! Your battle was chosen as today's winner! This week seemed to be heavy on the misses but your battle takes the cake.


Melee Mayhem, Enraged, high mana, AND Mylor. This feels like a no brainer.


This guy, however, had other plans.. And he brought some friends along to help him out.

Time to Rage Quit

Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_13780ae7422512b108191951c58e9796&ref=atbui89

This battle was long but please give it a watch. It is incredibly frustrating. I mean just look at this point in the battle and make a guess at who you think will win it. I mean, I understand the percentages with a 9 speed monster but surely some of those guys can string together 2-3 hits, right?

Also, this is first time I saw someone submit a battle where they're on the receiving end of the frustration! Looking back, it makes sense (I think) but to see it play out is just amazing. Djinn Oshannus isn't particularly strong so it's even more painful watching that guy slowly chop down your team.

Great, entertaining battle @flummi97 and congratulations on winning the GOLD Pelacor Deceiver!

Runner-Up #1: @Shawnmichael-gt with the MC Hammer

Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_6c8be4d8efbd662b5bf76d7495d1813e

I love the Pelacor Bandit. It honestly has no business being so cheap. This battle was great and even better because it never even got enraged!

Very well played by @shawnmichael-gt and congratulations on the Ever-Hungry Skull!

Runner-Up #2: @Tinyputerboy with a Down to the Wire Victory

Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_db66cdf26eae81a623fee34b3f566d35

This battle made me laugh because of the ending. Having that dumb fish land the killing blow is just hilarious.

Congrats, @tinyputerboy! Enjoy the Blood Maker!

Thanks for Stopping By

Congrats to all of the winners and thanks again for checking out this post. I hope it was fun and enjoyable content for you.

Make sure to leave a comment with your battle for a chance to win!

For @henruc, although you weren't in the top 3 (it was very close), I will still send you a prize as a thank you just for participating.

Referral link : https://splinterlands.com?ref=at.bui89

If you decide to use my referral link, I'll happily send you a few cards to help you get started!


Thanks for the card and the contests. I look forward to joining again when I have a good battle.

And you are right about the battle. You know you are in trouble when you need your Stonefish to bring down an Oshannus, but it worked out that time.

!GIF pizza !PIZZA


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(2/5) @tinyputerboy tipped @atbui89 (x2)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Thank you very much for choosing my battle!

My entry for this week:

Winning against a Byzantine Kitty with a gold foil lineup. https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_9843e86db4fcd7f80857c5f0df262fbc&ref=flummi97

Lotrimin should make NFTs
They are good at making things non-fungible.

Credit: theabsolute

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
(1/1)@atbui89, I sent you an on behalf of @tinyputerboy

This might take a while. I knew I would win on fatigue, but I really wanted to finish it off in regulation...


Thanks as always.
!GIF thanks !LUV