Here my presentation (EN)

in Regional Press3 years ago

Hello, I introduce myself to share with you some of my passions.

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Samira I am a high school student I live in Tunis.
I am quite serious in class, especially in physics and chemistry class.
I am part of a club of young chemists, by that you have guessed my passion 😉

My passions

Source google Source google What interests me in chemistry is the creativity, the discovery, the recent joy when you have a successful experience. Why am I here I would like to learn and also share my passions with members of the Hive ecosystem. I am open to all discussion. Hope you liked my brief presentation and expect you to encourage me with your votes and comments.


Good luck, and welcome to the community

Welcome to our comminauty, but your presentation is short and lacking in excitement