Hello everyone, I am happy to have the chance to be among you.
Who am I? / Who am I ?
Let me introduce myself, my name is Meriam, I really like my name because it reminds me of my dear grandmother.
I am Tunisian and I live in Djerba, a very beautiful island located south of Tunisia. I am 21 years old, I have two little sisters Currently, I am studying Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, more than 500 km from Djerba.

Source photo
My passions / My passions
My father has a small boat, I sometimes go with him during the holidays to fish.
I really like the sea, it reminds me of my childhood, from the age of 10 I got used to accompanying my fadher for fishing.
in addition the blue color of the sea gives me a positive energy.

Fish caught by my father
[Source photo](My mobile)
Why am I here
I am interested in decentralized systems such as Web3 and its advantages. I would like to learn and also share my passions with members of the Hive ecosystem. I am open to all discussion and enriching sociocultural relations.
J'adore jerba sur tous les plans