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RE: Sold 8 years later!

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago

I do get the sentimental value though... If ever I live abroad, I would like to surround myself with ornaments from my country and heritage. Not only for the nostalgia, but also for my future kids to know where they are descended from. I do know that kids and us as parents will have to assimilate to the new surroundings, but I don't want to forget where I came from.

Those paintings are really good by the way and that NFT idea seems marketable.

 4 years ago  

Very true a seems that is what o was doing, though I had them up for sale at first after the first couple years I didn't really market them out guy used to seeing them on the wall 😂!

I've always appreciated the arts from my country but even more now.

It's times like these I wish I was an artiste 👨‍🎨 😆

 4 years ago  

I've always wanted to be good at painting or drawing or photography, so have always looked up to people who have a good eye and steady hands and of course a lot of creativity, so I know what you mean hihi.

 4 years ago  

Same here ! I tried my hand at few digital things but I guess it's he tune as dedication thy put in. I don't have the patience 😂

 4 years ago  

Me neither when it comes to photography; there you really need the patience and the eye for the focus, position of light, etc.

 4 years ago  

I have a few pieces some as old as 20 years old. I am going dust them off and then decide what to do with them..

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

 4 years ago  

Yeah man ! Dust them off, but keep the one dem you love! eBay may be a good place to sell them.