One of the great dreams of humanity, throughout the ages, has been to transform iron into gold. The other is immortality. Thus, humanity has crossed the centuries feeding the ambition to live forever, ostentatiously and without the effort of daily work. A piece of cheap metal inside the boiling pot would be enough to transform it into the oldest and most precious product for the market to know. Luxurious castles, food in abundance, all the pleasures forever.
There is a lot of medieval literature about the scientists who survived the explosions and the time. Texts with their own cryptography and in codes so that only the initiated in esoteric matters could read them. For some, the reason for the secret was to protect the formula that would guarantee transformation and fortune, because if the valuable metal was available to everyone, it would lose its noble value. For others this is all nonsense.

Man lives through the centuries according to his level of consciousness bringing to himself the exact essential experiences according to his learning. Different cultures mix on purpose to learn and teach each other. Like an invisible chain, humanity creates bonds of freedom and unity. Life shows us that evolution is the child of transformation. The world renews itself and advances with the changes operated on its own axis. A society or tribe only improves its understanding of all things when each of its members really changes the way they see and act on something. Any change imposed beyond the boundaries of consciousness is fragile and transitory.
In theory, it would be a safe port to dock and protect our fleet from worries and insecurities. However, philosophy roughly means the ability to think critically and independently about reality, to observe and analyze all things from all angles and possibilities. But weren't we talking about gold? Exactly. We need to conceptualize the gold that those strange sorcerers of the time referred to. Was the reference in a literal or figurative sense? The answer lies in whether we can interpret the sacred texts and parables in a literal sense.
No. The sacred will always be hidden and available to the world until each one reveals it to himself. Our most valuable wealth is our spirit, which is totally immaterial. All of us, without exception, are on an infinite and wonderful journey from the station of darkness to the port of light. With many stops. The time of the journey is appropriate and relative, because it depends on the individual capacity to transform himself, to understand his own shadows and to transmute them into light. Shadow in light, iron in gold, this is the philosopher's stone.

The strong, free spirit faces the storms of this three-dimensional world with serenity, for it is aware that no one can take away its true wealth. Fires destroy houses, wars ruin powerful estates and empires, thieves take your belongings, but who will steal the love and wisdom rooted in your soul? No king or judge can condemn you to lose these goods. Neither time will rot it or the market will depreciate its value. You will always be beyond these weak powers. Here is the gold.
However, we will have death always lurking, with its sharp scythe threatening us and frightening us with the signs of illness, disaster, murder, condemnation or the very clock of existence. What good would all the gold be if death ended life and with it all the gain gained by love and wisdom? Hence the need for the elixir of eternal youth that allows gold to be enjoyed in peace and forever.
The most curious thing is that this precious liquid that impregnates your existence belongs to you and you have been drinking from its source forever. Many still do not understand or have forgotten this to every problem that arises. We are eternal, all of us. Not through our fragile and transitory body, temporary temple of the spirit, which is eternal. You are an infinite spirit and not the physical character that today travels a part of the great journey, each stretch has its beauty because of the opportunity to learn, share, transform and evolve.
Death is one of the great and beautiful transformative lessons. You are and have only what you live: your feelings, the joy you sowed where you passed, the heartfelt embrace, the sincere smile. Here is your luggage. You die many times and each birth means a new opportunity to get to the next station until the port of destination or enlightenment, to use the typical term of the millenary oriental philosophy.

Understanding this process means freeing oneself from the suffering that minor issues and concerns, caused by the transience of the physical, prevents you from enjoying all the gold that is yours and interferes with the transformation of more iron into shiny metal. Shadows in the light, more and more, more and more.
Thus, consciously or not, we bring the living alchemy that beats in our souls every day. The incessant and essential search operates infinite transmutations capable of converting iron into gold to continue the journey, since in each port it is necessary to present a greater and, as a consequence, lighter alchemical baggage. Love and wisdom are indispensable visas to stamp the passport. Why did the ancient sages not reveal the formula in a didactic and direct way, instead of decoding it for some people? We have to understand that everything, absolutely everything, is in accordance with its time.
History is full of magicians condemned and killed for talking about issues with different approaches than those officially accepted. The fires of the Inquisition and intolerance burned and crystallized consciences with the illusion that fire extinguished the truth. Even today there is distrust and disrepute on the part of many who refuse to understand, enjoy and take pleasure in the alchemy of life, of life itself. Man always feared what he could not understand or imagined as a threat capable of stealing his poor possessions and illusory conquests.
Time is inexorable and brings the necessary transformations so that we can continue the journey. Life is the way, we are walkers, the light is the destination.

Sources for the images used in this article: @abduhawab and @ridor5301 of Stock Images Community.
Translation done with DeepL.

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This was a lot for me to read take in , you are a good writer. But luckily I got the idea of your post. It reminds me of this verse form the bible.
Now, for my mental sake, summarize the essence of this posts so I don't feel so dumb. I'm not a man of many big words hehehehe😆
Hahahaha is just aesthetics for the message I want to transmit, I have been the same when I read some things in English. I don't speak English, I had a hard time translating this. But the important thing is to grasp the idea. I would like to learn to write better English.Thank you for reading and commenting.
It seems you know English very well!
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