
Fantastic plants. @solominer!

thanks alot, more summer updates to come.

I am most certainly looking forward to it👍😀@solominer

Awesome. We're looking at putting a cactus/ succulent garden in next spring.. we're in zone 5 though.

Thanks much, and nice! There are a few of my cacti that could survive zone 5, but most are zone 7 and up.

Heres one of mine that could survive in your climate.

Use Daves Garden advanced search to find more cacti that are compatible with your zone, there are probably at least a couple that could.

We definitely want Prickly Pear and Agave.. I like the barrel cacti also.. we've already started collecting cacti from the property and potting them to add to the garden in the spring. Our first step is to amend the soil..

 4 years ago  

I remember your post about the poor opuntia. It was such a sad sight! Yours is looking good.
My sedum is much smaller (in pot, not garden) and is gonna bloom soon too :)

Ah yeah well glad I got my hands on them before they just rotted away on the ground. Now they are growing and I am quite happy. Though out of three I planted only one took.

Oh cool, I need to find more sedums that will grow in my climate. I really like their fleshy pad leaves.

 4 years ago  

Those little runner bugs infest succulents over here too although it's generally impossible to photograph them. I spray them with insecticide and then follow up 2 weeks later and that usually gets rid of them for a while. You do need to control them, they breed like crazy and a heavily infested plant really doesn't do well

Ah thanks for the info on those little bugs. Okay I will try some neem oil, its my goto for insect control. Dont want them to get sick.