Flowering of Echinopsis mirabilis

It's been a while since I've done a post for the community and the truth is that it's not because I don't want to, but because I've had a lot of work with some personal projects that absorb me completely, however I was aware of my Echinopsis mirabilis since the day I saw that it began to develop a flower bud.


Honestly I had not done much research about the cactus or how its flower would be, I wanted it to be a surprise and so it was, as soon as I saw the flower open I started looking for the name of this cactus and I loved it, what I did not like was to know that the flower only opens for a few hours and by tomorrow morning it will be dead.


I've read that it can pollinate itself so I'm not sure if I should leave it outside the greenhouse to let the pollinators work, or try to do the pollination myself, I guess I still have a couple of hours to decide what to do.


I did not take some professional pictures because the truth is that I feel really tired because of the work, I hope that the next time it is in bloom I will have more free time because it is really worth this beautiful flower, and of its aroma I will not say much, I will simply tell you that it smells of tenderness, love, innocence, and a touch of sweetness, at least I think that's how I would describe the fragrance.




It is a small cactus but being of the Echinopsis family it is logical to imagine the size of the flowers, about the technical data on the cactus sometimes I don't research too much, I know it is a South American cactus specifically from Argentina, I know it is small in size and that's all I know haha, it is a cactus, so my almost 100% mineral mix likes them plus fertigation.


I hope to get back to being more consistent with my posts about the garden but I also want to be more selective and upload only worthwhile, I am also trying to learn more every day so I can share better information along with my pictures, I still have a lot of work to do, but I will try to be more consistent, and about the flower pollination, in a couple of weeks we will know if it worked, see you.




 2 years ago  

Such a long stem! I was just wondering where you have been

Yes I have been quite busy but I hope to get back to posting now that my garden will be full of flowers.