I think it was two years ago that I took one longer pot and I planted few succulents there. Just to see if they like it, if I like it and how they will grow with time.
And I freaking love it!
Maybe they do not grow to the size they could, but I like that they are more compact and the pot is filled with different colours and shapes.
Last week I decided to make another one of those. I ditched old Crassula Tetragona from the pot (she will go to a different one soon), filled with with sand and soil, picked up all those little plants and cutting I had no idea what to do with and they just didn't look too cool on their own and planted them up.
Why do I pot them like that? Few reasons:
- I don't have to water all those tiny pots separately which can be a pain in the ass
- one large pot is easier to water :)
- easier to move around
- looks damn cool
- takes less space
I have no idea what most of them are. Some are cuttings from my larger plants. Most grew from a leaf I picked up here and there.
This one here looks a bit miserable. It didn't like the spot she was standing before. Hope now it will grow better. I don't know what it is, nor will it keep the cool red colour.
The first two below are parts of my larger plants. They should look nice all together now.
All the little ones are young seedlings that I grew from leaves.
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This is now they all are now.
I will try to remember to take similar shot every few weeks to see the progress.
And this is the previous pot. I did show it last year already.
The dark middle plant is still my favourite!
That small Echeveria runyonii on the left side is looking a bit weird. It should be pale blue, not so yellow. I have more of them so I am not worried and they do propagate from a leaf very easily. I am just wondering what happened to her.
And those long Jelly Bean Sedum stems I will probably trim a bit. I start to kick the longest stems and they keep dropping the leaves.
The other plants look amazing though!
Both pots:
Of course my Furry Assistant always on duty :)
I mentioned I evicted poor Crassula Tetragona from her pot. She didn't look too good lately so it was time to renew it anyway. I got some young cuttings and how she is waiting. Together with two other victims.
Crassula Perforata was growing together with Tetragon so had to be kicked too. They will be planted together again.
Kalachoe Lucky Bells was very unlucky and got terrible aphids attack. I thought they were just on the flowers, but when I went to cut them off after blooming I noticed the buggers are all over the plant. I cut those few stems that seemed the cleanest, washed them and will plant soon. The rest went tright into a bag together with soil and off to the garbage bin. It was a shame though... the plant was about 80 cm tall with multiple mature stems and some offshoots growing.
Kitty on duty again.
Everything must be checked and approved.
Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.
It's a pity Kalachoe Lucky Bells, I hope that her cuttings will grow quickly.
Plants in a pot look beautiful, but the gray beauty is even more beautiful! :-)
I am sure she will be fine. This is how I started my plant few years ago too.
It is just a pity.
Grey beauty always wins :))
How old is she?
She is 9 :)
Long life to her!
I love the detailed shots. Specially the one in which the furry friend is inspecting the succulent 😂
Recently gifted one of my friend a small succulent in a small groot custom pot. No wonder she was complaining about all the watering troubles she needs to face 🤣🤣
The seller had informed me it won't be a pain to water and that's why I had picked it up. Now I realise it's not a pain if it's all in one pot 😓
Hahaha one pot is no trouble. If she had 30 of them.... that's a bit pain :p
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.Hey, feelings!
How long have you been growing them (Jelly Bean Sedum)?
I have no patience even if they seriously require low effort. 😶
Inedible - boring. 😂
Ops.. sorry :p
Though I could say it looks like shit...
In this pot probably 2 years.
You just drop it there and water from time to time. The less the better. They will survive.
I pulled some succulents out of the pot to plant them in another and left the all barerooted on a tray for 2 months (wasn't inspired for potting). They are fine! :D
Hahaha yea... she loses interest in the pretty fast :p
They look very fine according to their history.
I also killed a few succulents, successfully, seems like I don't have a lucky hand.:D
I have killed lots of them! Well.. or they just die on me for no reason :p
But some grow really nice. A natural selection. I guess the picky ones are not for me :)
They look so good together in the elongated pot. I like last years one. It grew so well, I mean all the succulents in there.
Beautiful @ewkaw 😊
Thank you!
I really like how they turned out too. Some of them even bloomed this year. Now I just wait for the second one to grow like that too :)
You are welcome 😊
They will in no time grow like that. They look like they are getting some great care 😉
Thanks! I think they are bigger already :D
Will take some shots in a month and compare.
Cool, looking forward to seeing the difference 😊
your post is really really awesome
I love succulents. I think they are fun to look at. I don't know anything about them but it had crossed my mind that I might want some.
Do you keep yours indoors all the time or do they go out in nice weather?
I think you definitely want some :D
I actually keep mine outside all year round. We don't get frosts here so they can stay on the balcony where they get the sun and rain.
In colder climates they can be in the house on the window sill. But I am sure they will some months outside when it's warmer. If possible.
Flowers look very beautiful, when you want to ask what kind of fertilizer is the soil as the media mixed with
Thank you :)
There is no fertilizer in the soil. It just some regular soil mixed with sand, perlite and some lava rocks.
I water them with cactus fertilizer twice a year.
It looks like a miniature garden. Quick Q. Does kittens harm succulents or are they cool with them. I have some bad experience with cat and plants :(
Not my kitten. She just comes to sniff around.
But she does nibble on African Violets, especially the flowers. Whenever she gets to them first I have only stems left :p And that is the only plant she munches on.
Interesting. They are their own kind for sure