Blooming cactus - recovering Lobivia Wrightiana

in Succulent growers2 years ago (edited)

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 6.jpg

I am quite surprised I didn't kill it yet. It was showing all signs of bad care and I just had no clue what should I change.
As with many cacti (and you will see it in other examples in future posts) I didnt water it enough as I thought if I do, it will rot. This one has a tap root (like a carrot) that stores water and is more prone to rotting when the soil stays wet too long. It is doing good now :)

Lobivia Wrightiana

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 3.jpg

It is native to Bolivia and as many (of not every) cactus it needs cooler and dry winter rest to bloom in spring.

Hooman wait.. must check the pot!

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 7.jpg

Can I continue?
Not yet. The green thing must check too.

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 8.jpg

You can continue now Hooman, but I will be watching ya!

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 10.jpgLobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 9.jpg

It is still just one flower this year, but the plant is looking better and hopefully next year there will be more. The colour the just amazing!

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 4.jpg

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 5.jpg

The previous blooming and the size of the plant:


You can see the different colour on the 2019 image. It is normal for the to change colour like that due to stress, but I don't think it should have been so stressed. I think I was heavily underwatering it. It was the first year the cactus was growing in the clay pot.

In 2021 it looked better, but still growing quite slow and even though bigger, it had just one flower.
After it was done blooming I took it out from that clay and potted it in a plastic, square pot (and I am slowly moving all the cacti to the square ones). I could see that it was a very good change soon after. It started to grow faster and greener.

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 1.jpgLobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 2.jpg

You can see that the green top looks so much better than the scarred and dehydrated bottom. It doesn't hide in the soil anymore as it sometimes used to when it was in clay. They like to shrink and pull themselves deeper in the ground. Another mechanism to prevent overheating and loss of water.

This is how the top looked like last year - full of scars. Now it is under the fresh and green top. The nice, green part is also one year worth of growth.


This year:

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 12.jpg

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 13.jpg

We are done puss... you are dismissed.

Lobivia Wrightiana flowers 2022 11.jpg

My other blooming cacti:

Click on the image to view full post.

Chamaecereus hybrid
Sulcorebutia Canigueralii

Mammillaria camptotricha

Mammillaria Glassii

Gymnocalycium baldianum
Mediolobivia mudanensis

Lobivia Arachnacantha

Rebutia hybrid

Mammillaria Bombycina

Mammillaria Gracilis Snowcap

Mammillaria haageana

Mammillaria backebergiana

Chamaecereus silvestrii

Mammillaria prolifera

Rebutia Fabrisii var. Aureiflora

Lobivia Wrightiana
Aylostera Flavistyla FR756

Parodia concinna

Mammillaria Copper King
Gymnocalycium Bruchii

Mammillaria backebergiana

Gymnocalycium damsii

Echinopsis subdenudata
Rhipsalis pilocarpa
Mammillaria Prolifera
Lobivia arachnacantha v. vallegrandensis
Mediolobivia atrovirens
Mammillaria magnimamma
Sulcorebutia langerii
Sulcorebutia frankiana
Chamaelobivia no ID
Rebutia Albiflora
Mediolobivia atrovirens var. ritteri
Gymnocalycium damsii var. tucavocense
Notocactus Ottonis
Gymnocalycium Friedrichii
Turbinicarpus Viereckii
Rebutia neocumingii
Notocactus Rubrigemmatus
Lobivia no ID
Sulcorebutia albissima
Lobivia arachnacantha II
Notocactus mueller-melchersii
Mammillaria Prolifera
Aylostera heliosa var. condorensis
Frailea pumila
Lobivia arachnacantha
Lobivia no ID

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.


Good thing he survived!
The color of the flower is very beautiful!

I am glad too :) It's a pretty one.

 2 years ago  

Definitely returned from the dead. Good job! Good job Suzy!

Thank you! Pity I figured that out so late though. The old payote is full of stains too. Also because it was in clay for a while and underwatered. But at least it is not dead :p

Helper got a pat on the head :)

I imagine the cactus felt this way, with new strength!


Hahaha I'd say so :D
Free from the nasty clay!

Niesamowite, taka mała roślinka a tak duży i piękny kwiat. Bardzo ładnie się pozbierał. Lepiej się czują w plastikowych doniczkach? Wydawać by się mogło że gliniane - bliżej natury, powinny bardziej kochać😉a tu takie zaskoczenie

Zawyczaj gliniane są lepsze (i zdecydowanie ładniejsze), ale nie w moim klimacie. Zwyczajnie sie kaktusami nie lubią.
Te malutkie strasznie szybko wysychają i chłoną część wilgoci z ziemi.

To szkoda ze się nie polubiły bo faktycznie gliniane są piękne, na szczęście plastikowe też już robią takie że pięknie zdobią. Trzymam kciuki za dalszą hodowlę i czekam na kolejne niesamowite zdjęcia ☺️😉

The green top looks much better this year, and the flower is more than nice :)
I am sure that the controller agrees too, though she checked just the pot and the green part :D

Thanks! It does looks much better. I would like to see some ofshoots this year too.
I guess that was more important. Who am I to argue? :p

Who am I to argue? :p

The human who opens the tap for running water 😆 no arguing 😇

The colour of the flower is an all time favourite! Your pictures are screensaver material😍 The cat inspector made my day!❤️

Thank you! The inspector is much needed help around :D

It's so amazing the beauty of the flower as you show, I really like the picture of the flower that has a cat's face that is so beautiful when we see it