Probably Found One of the Succulents & Cacti Heaven on Earth 🌵 [EN - FR]

in Succulent growers3 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Hivers !

You may have seen my previous article in the Succulents Growers community. It was a presentation of the varieties I had found during my weekend walks.

Earlier this week, fascinated by these garden visits, I went back to see some greenhouses. It was the ones in the Jardin d'Auteuil that made a strong impression on me - see the article linked just before. It was the place, the architecture of the greenhouses as much as the plant species I was able to discover that made an impression on me! But of all of them, it was really the part reserved for cacti and succulents that I really liked. It was the first one we started our visit with, but I don't think that was the reason...

No, because the initial reason for the visit was rather to see what they had "in store" in terms of succulents. And I must say that I was not disappointed! I was so excited to discover such a diversity that I think the person who accompanied me didn't really understand everything ^^ - Another one I'm trying to get to join Hive, but the guy is resisting :D

Once again, my renewed addiction to growing succulents and my definitive conversion - to their powersthe dedicated article :) - is to the credit of @ewkaw. To better understand, I invite you to read I also take the opportunity to mention @littlebee4 here - at her request. If you're interested in me doing this for you, so that you can read my future articles, please let me know in the comments!

But let's go to the visit first, in the second part of the article, I'll show you the little pieces of plants I found and the way I planted them. Don't worry, I didn't go wild and I took as much as possible of the plants that were abundant, if possible already fallen and all this, without damaging the specimens !

















As you could see, mainly Crassulaceae, Sedum, in another part that was closed, Sansevieria and finally, this beautiful Euphorbia milii below :)


Let's come to the cuttings collected on site... They are almost all those presented on the pictures above, I let you find the species that you prefer and whose names you would like to find !





And now each plant has found its way back to the soil where it can restart its roots and its growth :) But only up to a certain point, because if each plant develops well, we may have to change pots quite quickly, to be continued :) Can't wait ...!


I used special soil for succulents, normally it contains enough sand and will drain well.


I hope you enjoyed this article and all these plants, please let me know in the comments :)

Have a nice evening and take care of yourself !



Bonjour chers Hivers !

Vous avez peut-être eu l'occasion de voir mon article précédent dans la communauté SucculentsGrowers. Il s'agissait d'une présentation des variétés que j'avais pu trouver au gré de mes balades du weekend.

Un peu plus tôt cette semaine, passionné par ces visites de jardins, je suis donc retourné voir des serres. Il s'agissait de celles du Jardin d'Auteuil qui m'ont fait forte impression - voir l'article en lien juste avant. C'est autant le lieu, l'architecture des serres que les espèces végétales que j'ai pu découvrir qui m'ont marqué ! Mais entre toutes, c'est vraiment la partie réservée aux cactus et aux plantes grasses qui m'a vraiment plût. C'est la première par laquelle nous avons commencé notre visite, mais je crois pas que cela en soit la raison...

Non, car la raison initiale de la visite était plutôt de voir ce qu'ils avaient "en réserve" au niveau des plantes grasses. Et je dois dire que je n'ai pas été déçu ! J'étais excité comme pas possible de découvrir une telle diversité, à tel point que je crois que la personne qui m'accompagnais n'a pas vraiment tout compris ^^ - Encore un que je tente de faire rejoindre Hive, mais le bougre fait de la résistance :D

Encore une fois, le regain de mon addiction à la culture des plantes grasses et ma conversion définitive - à leurs pouvoirsl'article dédié :) - est à mettre au crédit d'@ewkaw. Pour mieux comprendre, je vous invite à prendre connaissance de J'en profite aussi pour mentionner ici @littlebee4 - à sa demande. Si cela vous intéresse que je le fasse pour vous, afin que vous preniez connaissance de mes futurs articles, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir dans les commentaires !

Mais passons à la visite dans un premier temps, dans la seconde partie de l'article, je vous monterai les petits morceaux de plantes que j'ai pu trouver et la manière dont je les ai plantés. Rassurez-vous, je n'ai pas fait le sauvage et j'ai au maximum pris des parties de plantes qui étaient abondantes, si possible déjà tombées et le tout, sans endommager les spécimens !!

















Comme vous avez pu le voir, principalement des Crassulaceae, des Sedum, dans une autre partie qui était fermée, des Sansevieria et pour finir par cette belle Euphorbia milii ci-dessous :)


Venons en aux boutures récoltées sur place... Ce sont quasiment toutes celles présentées sur les images au dessus, je vous laisse retrouver les espèces que vous préférez et dont vous voudriez retrouver les noms !





Et voilà chaque élément végétal qui a retrouvé la route de la terre ou il pourra relancer ses racines et sa croissance :) Mais seulement jusqu'à un certain point, car si chaque plante se développe bien, il faudra peut-être changer de pots assez rapidement, à suivre :) On a hâte ...!


J'ai utilisé de la terre spéciale pour les succulentes, normalement elle contient assez de sable et sera bien drainante.


J'espère que cet article et toutes ces plantes vous aurons bien plu, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part dans les commentaires :)

Belle soirée et prenez soin de vous !




Mil Hijos - one of my favorites! Wow, that is a great collection of succulents! I have quite a few of those here (some growing wild), but I never knew the names of them! I need to start a collection like that - mine just survive out in the yard, but possibly I need to start putting them in pots so I can keep them dryer and they can do better.

Yess ! I remembered it and thought of you a lot when I saw it ! I saw your collection in the article you recently published, I think it's pretty impressive already ! The idea of putting them in other pots is fine, but I guess you can also start cuttings in the growing conditions you have in mind :)

Thanks for the mention on your article, it made me super happy and I had hesitated to mention you in mine...

I wish you a very nice day, see you soon ✌️

I just planted some of my mil hijos out in the garden. I'm wondering how they will do outside of a pot as that's the only place I've ever seen them. I guess as long as my chickens don't decide to eat the plants, they'll be good. And maybe spread their hijos all over the place! Ha! Enjoy your day!

Yeah, I hope chicken will not consider that one edible too ^^!

Think it will be just fine ! Thanks again for your last article on Succulents Growers, I really want to start to grow the edible one, the Purslane !

Hope you're doing well, I wish you a nice weekend ✌️🍀

 3 years ago  

The cactus on the second image is amazing!
I see one I also grew from a found cutting, but didn't have a name for - Crassula Browniana. But now I googled it and it looks different. It is very similar to Crassula Perforata, but the leaves have different shape - more pointy and bigger.

Another one I'm trying to get to join Hive, but the guy is resisting

Just playing tough to get... Tell him we have booze and cookies 😈

The cactus on the second image is amazing !

Yes, this one was particularly impressive - turgid :D

But now I googled it and it looks different.

It's a strange thing that I think you've noticed too, I've seen some of these plants take on completely different appearances depending on the conditions in which a leaf of the same plant leaves... I wonder if it's genetic or just adaptive... I guess I'll find a genetic expert on succulents, as I think you've set me on a quest and I feel that in the years to come, I'll do my best to visit gardens as soon as I get the chance - feel like a little 19th century English granny and I like it ^^

Hahaha, actually there are a few of them and I feel they will all give in at the same time !

I hope you're doing well 🤞

Thank you so much for the mention, yep… I would love to follow along further. Don’t mind the tags further.
Great to see you found so many. And they are nicely set to start developing roots/ new plants.
Exciting times @anttn 😁🌱🌱🌱 good luck little succulents 😁😎

(Btw… it’s her😉💃🏻)

(Btw… it’s her😉💃🏻)

haha, of course, I knew that ! I must admit that I had to use a translator for some parts of this article, but the fault lies with my re-reading !

I'll do an update as soon as those little tuff monsters start to grow significantly :) Thanks for the good energy and sorry again for the misgendering 😉

No problem… I knew it would be something like that, as I know translators are not always right. I speak 5 languages hehehe so I know.

Btw. I posted yesterday a painting I did a few years ago… if you still want to see what I do, art wise 😉🤓💃🏻
Have an amazing Wednesday 👋🏻😁☀️ Enjoy it.Already, wow that is cool to hear @anttn 🥰😎😁🌱🌱🌱 looking forward to see their growth.

answering a day after, I still feel like "pfff, haha nonsense 🙄 " !

Yeah, I saw that just yesterday evening, really great one 👌 I've always been curious about airbrush, but I never tried yet !

thank you ! Here it's National Day, but I think we'll be lazy, we got sunstroke yesterday :D The amateurs !

Be well dear 🌿 and have a nice day :)

Thank you kindly. Airbrush is the first technique I tried and after that I started my art. And look into other techniques like painting and drawing. ☺️No problem @anttn 😁😎

You are allowed to be lazy with a holiday. Especially after sunburn. Take care… and enjoy this day 👋🏻☀️

Thanks a lot 😎 happy Thursday!

haha, super late answer :)

yeah, I often take the right to be lazy (aka. not productive in a capitalistic way...) but at that moment, we didn't have much choices !

I personally really enjoy watercolor for a lot of reasons... The space the box takes, the time the application, mix of colors are quick too ... but could hazardous for impatient people ^^

I hope you're doing well, I wish you a very appreciable weekend 🍀

Good, we all need those moments, even when we have no choice.No worries @anttn 😁👋🏻

That’s cool. I got a set of watercolour for my birthday… but haven’t tried it yet. As most materials are boxed up for the move. I know… it is an interesting medium and technique. Have fun… playing around with it. 😎

Thank you kindly, so far it is good. All the best for you too. Enjoy the weekend. It will get warm… ☀️☀️👋🏻 Take care!

I love succulents and cacti. 🌵😍 I hope you will tell us the progress of all the ones you have planted with the cuttings you took there in that greenhouse.

I particularly like them too ! So resistant and resilient, just like what we can become when we just want to live happily through the problems of the world :)

I hope you will tell us the progress of all the ones you have planted with the cuttings you took there in that greenhouse.

On that note, no worries, as soon as the shoots and growth are confirmed, I will give an update !

It is true. We can say that they are resilient plants, as we should be in life.
Happy Wednesday to you 😄.

thanks you ⭐️ !

... it was super hot today, felt like a drying plant 😂

So your day was perfect for... 😂😂


hahaha ! exactly, today it's cave style :) all shutters pulled 😂

It is indeed heaven on earth. Thanks for this beauty.

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