The monster of this week's Share Your Battle Challenge is Magi of Chaos.🎴
We'll talk about the card and its price, the lineup used at the battle, and at the end of the post we'll have a GIVEAWAY. 😁


The Magi of Chaos is an epic 6 mana cost moster from the Chaos Legion edition, you can get one from the market or through chaos packs. At level 1 he already has 2 magic damage which can be powerful when used with summoners that can increase magic like Alric or Osidian, and for high mana battles you can try Delwin Dragonscale and place a few big dragons too.
I particularly don't like that his speed don't increase, because with the new dragon summoner with the phase ability every enemy could posses the ability to dodge Magi's damage if they have more than 2 speed. If the enemy has Djinn Oshhanus, for example, it would be a nightmare for Magi of Chaos. Another point is his Opress ability, which he only gets at level 5 and it is not very good in my opinion. It doubles the damage when attacking an enemy that has no attacks, but that is not useful, because it is more common to face a tank that has some sort of attack.
I would use it at level 3 the most to get that 3 magic damage, that in a combo with a summoner that gives more magic would go to 4 damage. It would be a destroyer in the field. Also his 6 health he gets at level 2 would help him survive a few hits of most of the snipe/sneak damage of the lower leagues.

More than 10 million chaos legion packs were sold already 👀. It means that only 5 million packs are available to end the emission of it. With this in mind, we all know that the best time to buy something is when none else is looking at it. When the end of packs comes near the true end with 1 million or less packs available the prices tend to skyrocket. So if you want to grab card from this collection, like the Magi of Chaos, now it is a good time to do it, while people are focused on the other sales (Runi, Gems, Tower Defense), you grab what you need to power up your deck.

Talking a bit more about the Magi of Chaos prices, a regular foil is $1.648 at the market, which if you look at the graph bellow it is pricier than before. On the other hand, the gold foil is now near the bottom going for $9.692 at the current date (09/10), that is a good opportunity if you wanna grab one to your collection. If you don't have the money or don't wanna own the card, but would like to use it at your ranked battles, you can rent it for just 1.15 DEC, you can even find it cheaper like 0.1-0.5 if you search from time to time.
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If you have a Magi of Chaos or any other card and want to rent them automatically, you can use SPLEX Rent Golem service, that manages your cards rentals to give you the best return on your assets (RoA)! 🤑
The Magi of the Chaosium are the heralds of the Legion itself. For hundreds of years they met and studied in secret, gathering ancient artifacts and scraps of forbidden knowledge, much that was once thought lost. As the convergence grew close they plied the void for its treasures and listened furtively to the voices in the dark to make way for the coming of the Lord of Chaos. Once the way was opened and doom poured from the sky they rose from their hidden places to claim the promise of power from their dark masters.
Check more here: LORE

Summoner: Delwyn Dragonscale
Delwyn Dragonscale is a Promo card summoner that gives +1 magic damage to all ally monsters. With it at the field Agor, Magi and Serpentine were able to deal an additional +3 magic damage against the enemy in each round.

1º Agor Longtail (TANK)
More than just a Tank Agor Longtail is the biggest DPS of the team with its 3 melee damage + 3 magic damage per round. His Void Amor ability makes the enemy's magic attack hits his shield before the health, making him capable of tank 17 damage from melee or mages. Besides all this, he even has Taunt that combined with the Flying ability + 3 speed makes him aggro the enemy monster and even dodge them a few times.

2º Magi of Chaos (DPS/Off-Tank)
In the second position of the lineup Magi of Chaos did the role of a DPS with its 3 magic damage, but he also was an off-tank, because he had 6 HP.

3º Serpentine Mystic (DPS/Support)
At the last position Serpentine Mystic was chosen to cut the enemy heal with its Affliction ability, but at the same time it was responsible to aid the team with its 2 magic damage and also protect Magi of Chaos from sneak attacks.

At the first round we dealt 8 magic damage and defeated the enemy tank, Living Lava. On the other hand, the enemy only damage was done at Agor's shield. Also our dragon tank with its Taunt ability aggroed the attacks from Tenyii Striker and Serpentine Spy and dodged from them both with its 3 speed + Flying ability.
At the 2º round Agor tanked 3x attacks and dodge one. It already survived a bunch of attacks😁.
The team continued defeating the enemy monsters. With Agor's attack Chaos Agent was defeated, then Magi of Chaos attacked and defeated the Serpentine Spy.
At the third round Agor defeated the Fire Elemental with its magic attack. Magi of Chaos attacked and defeated the Spark Pixies and finally the Serpentine Mystic dealt 2 damage to Tenyii Striker bringing it closer to the end.
Only at the last round our tank was defeated by Tenyii Striker's attacks. It means that Agor Longtail is a must have tank for high mana battles because he can dodge, tank, and deal tons of damage, the full package. Then to end the battle Magi of Chaos dealt the last attack at the remaining enemy monster and guaranteed the victory.✌️
The battle went smothly without any need for lucky speed dodges to get the win 😂. Our strategy to buff the magic ally monster were done successfully, but one thing that I would change for this battle would be the Serpentine Mystic, because his ability was not needed so another magic monster could've been placed there.
Now about the Magi of Chaos I really liked how well it went with Delwyn, it worked not just as a DPS but also as a secondary tank in case Agor was defeated. I'm thinking of adding him at my collection to use it as my off-tank in magic battles, but I'll wait a little and buy it when the price of the regular foil drops a little.
If you wanna see the full-battle check: 👉HERE👈

As the theme of this Battle Challenge was Magi of Chaos, a neutral card, then the giveaway will be 2x Neutral Cards, which will be:
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- Upvote, Follow or Reblog are not required, but they are much appreciated. 💛
- Tips are also not required, but just like the previous 3, much appreciated. 💛
- Comment your IGN ✉️
- Your reputation level needs to be 25 or higher, and you can only participate with one account.
- The winners will be drawn with the Filoz Picker, and the prizes will be sent when this post payout.

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Thank you for reading! Good luck with the giveaway🍀 See you all at the next post 👋👋
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