Of course, it shouldn't be or else the platform will be tainted with a bad image. Oh, I forgot, is it fine to crosspost my post in hive in torum? Just to make sure.
Posted using Dapplr
Of course, it shouldn't be or else the platform will be tainted with a bad image. Oh, I forgot, is it fine to crosspost my post in hive in torum? Just to make sure.
Posted using Dapplr
Definitely. You can cross post in TORUM.
It's fine not to use it as a social media platform like Facebook. But, you may use it as a way to bring more exposure to your content while earn some XTM tokens as a starting point.
This is a platform that is designed to maximize community building. So, we are positive that Hivers can definitely utilize TORUM to create better bridges among the community.