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RE: EVERYONE DOING BUSINESS ONLINE IS A SCAMMER!!... Do this to avoid being called a scammer.

in HiveHustlers2 years ago

"I'm a SCAMMER? OK. You're online, so what's that make you?"

One possible response to being called a "scammer'

Some sort of guarantee may help to reduce the number of times one is called a "scammer" for doing business online. This way, instead of 100 people calling you a scammer, it's "only" 38 or 19 people calling you that.

A satisfying emotional response could be an additional guarantee like this:

  • "If you still think I'm a SCAMMER even after all of this [whatever promises you made to offer a refund], then feel free to take my ass to court!!

Who wants to go through that hassle? Even so, that response is more of an emotional release, so I would NOT recommend making it.

If your business relies on licensing and permits-- and that could be nearly all businesses-- you an always refer to the greatest source of scammers: the licensing authorities. After all, they thought enough of the SCAMMER accusation to go ahead and grant you a license or permit, anyway. On top of that, you had to pay to get those licenses and permits, and look at what you went through to get those pieces of paper or permission.

In the end, we know the reality of our own situations, so being called a SCAMMER for doing business online is just one cost of doing business.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta