in HiveHustlers2 years ago

Hellow hive hustlers!!

It's a great and beautiful day ,it's also a day to talk about business and marketing ideas and tips to achieve success with it.

I'm a biochemist in the making but I've always had a thing for business and marketing, online and offline but I'm more into doing business online because I love the fact that I can actually do business everywhere I go as long as I'm with my phone, NO RESTRICTIONS or whatsoever but I do have an offline business too, I produce dish washing liquid soap and bleach for sale while as an onlineprenuer,I'm hive hustling,aside that,I'm an affiliate marketer and WhatsApp marketing enthusiast.

That's enough about me

As a student,there are thousand and one businesses you could try online and offline, it depends on you.

Take a look at the school environment here in Nigeria, you'll see students venturing in different offline businesses like phone charging , catering,hair making,soap and perfume making,the popular P O S business etc,you could check them out and try it...

Then,if you're like me who's interested in doing business anywhere and everywhere,online I mean,lol,you could try out
E-commerce, affiliate marketing, selling stuffs online, creating E-books/ digital products, publishing on Amazon, YouTuber/vlogging, blogging etc.


For you to succeed at anything you do in life,you need to know what is and what is not required of you. Same goes to running a business as a student, once the requirements are identified,you have to practice them.

Overtime,we've followed this roadmap
to success where we look of for those successful people,learn from them , replicate what they've done before we achieve their level of success. This roadmap is same for failure.
Failure can either be replicated or avoided. If you want to succeed, follow the roadmap to success. if you want to fail, follow the roadmap to failure but you shouldn't,what you should do is learn how to avoid failure.


  • COMPARISON: Comparing yourself to others is one big mistake to avoid a a student entrepreneur.
    Most times,you might want to compare yourself to those doing better than you without realizing the factors or reasons behind them succeeding more than you. These factors may be:
    a) They started doing business before you
    b) They have more and better resources at their disposal and many more. However,this should not make you feel discouraged because by comparing yourself to them you'll start doing things beyond your reach which might lead to the downfall of your business. What you should do instead of comparing yourself to them is to be inspired by them.

See them as your inspiration to do better and be better,learn their success secrets and replicate it.
Also, doing this will make you learn more about your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use them effectively.

  • GOAL SETTING : It is being said that "when you fail to plan,you are directly planning to fail".
    Most entrepreneurs just dive right into doing business without taking time to set their goals and make plans to acheiving them. Your inability to set goals might just be the reason why you are making slow or ain't making success at all. When starting a business, you'll definitely have a vision or what you want to achieve from that business,what you must do is to breakdown that BIG GOALS into SMALLER GOALS to achieve it. Don't forget to write down your goals and they must be SMART goals.
    S - specific
    M - measurable
    A - acheivable
    R - realistic
    T - time bound

  • LACK OF FOCUS : After setting goals ,the next thing which might be the hardest to do is staying focused. There are so many distractions which can actually take away your attention from your business. You should try to tackle those distractions. Another form of lack of focus is trying out different businesses at the same time. Try to pick one ,focus on it , keep it running before starting another.

  • INABILITY TO SELL : As long as it's a business and it involves people, learning how to sell is imperative because wherever you find yourself you'll need to sell something. It must not necessarily be your products,you might need to sell your personality first before they can buy your products. Learning how to sell can actually be done by reading books, taking courses or watching videos on how to sell but if you find that so tasking ,you have to get someone who can actually sell and make them your partner.

  • IMPATIENCE : if you plant a seed today ,do you harvest your plant the next day?
    Same goes to your shouldn't expect to start a business today and succeeding the next day even though we hope to succeed within a short time but the truth is it usually don't happen that way.
    Start your business with the mindset that it will take some time to start earning a positive cashflow but you shouldn't give up because with hard work and consistency, you'll reach your goal.

If there are other things you know that I didn't talk about,you could add them up in the comment section.

I wish you success in whatever business you do.