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RE: Health & Recovery ComunityTribe-in-I am a HIVEHUSTLER

in HiveHustlers5 years ago

i like the Health and Recovery Community plan @deuceman

However, i'm almost certain that three of the charities you mention:

  • American Heart Foundation
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation(Canada)
  • American Diabetes Association
    are Oligarch controlled orgnisations which extract money from the public in various ways while increasing disease.

So, before any donations were given, it would be necessary to research these and specifically look organisations which are most effective at helping decrease disease.

i could possibly help with that.

It would be very important i think to have very good governance for the community which is purely democratic. Again, i could perhaps help with that.

Just putting it out there.
Over to you.

Peace and Love


Oh interesting, yes we could definitely use the help, I don't know how I didn't see this sooner.
Oligarch, I am going to have to research that, hmn I definitely don't want to waste good efforts and donations on wasteful organizations.