 4 years ago  

Great Update, we will do a live stream one day zoon over ZOOma ned really promote ZOOm and tech to Western audiences when we show off kanda, when its ready for PRIME TIME. Now its still very fun and useful and growinge veryday

we just have to keep posting on the nitrous site and make sure everyone withdraws that kanda to TELOS kanda which we will drive prices up woith the telos from WPS and advertising dapp usage

we also have the built in ad featurers on the nitrous! so i cwill always buy kanda with the tokens i earn, and my @cashapp anmd varo bank profits from posting my ref links and and and THESE LINKS promoted by telokanda users will make ME the money i need to buy mroe kanda, CASH ill earn top BUY BACK kanda from thsos EARNING it

supplky and demand... with ads to buy up the supply.
the 50 M supply total well discuss later =on how to get large amounts of staking over telos :D