"Dios ha dicho; que la harina y el aceite no menguara, hasta que cumpla su propósito en ti."//"God hath said; that the flour and the oil shall not fail, until he fulfil his purpose in you."

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Hello dear community I want to share with you this teaching


Obedience: both obeyed the voice of God. The prophet left the cave and she went out to make him the cake; but before that there were many pros and cons, let's analyze them.
a)- Weaknesses: she did not want to obey the voice of God, which was to feed the prophet and without realizing it, she was keeping away the blessing that the Lord had prepared for her.
b)- Strengths: The widow's obedience and the prophet's blessing brought abundance from God.
It is better to give than to receive. God made her understand that; it is more blessed to give than to receive, he who gives to him who has none lends to God, (Acts.20:35). (Proverbs.19:17).
"the flour in the jar shall not fail, neither shall the oil diminish", sometimes our carnal mind wants to see that our pantry or refrigerator is full of tons of flour but in this story we see a miracle operating in a special way. The widow would prepare many cakes, but always, there at the bottom of the jar she would find flour and in the jar oil every day until the drought ended. Today God wants that in your pantry, your supply will not be scarce or diminished.
"So she went and did as Elijah had said to her; and he ate, and she and her household, many days. And the flour of the jar was not scarce, neither did the oil of the cruse fail, according to the word which the LORD spake by Elijah." (1Kings.17:15).


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