Keeping Promises to Children | The Old Path

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Keeping Promises to Children | The Old Path

Bible scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:4, Proverbs 13:12 Proverbs 27:1

We should be careful of the kind of promises we make to people. If possible, we should not make promises at all. It is better to have plans on doing something for someone and then surprise the person than to make a promise to someone and then fail to fulfill that which you have promised.

When we make a promise to someone, we raise the person's hope. It's unfair to leave the person disappointed later on after having much expectation on the promise we made to them only for them to see it unfulfilled. Children are hurt the most in cases like this.

Children may not be able to handle this disappointed like adults do. Parents should not make the mistake of making promises to their children which they are not certain of fulfilling. A child will never forget a promise made by his parent in case the parent thinks that the child may eventually forget.

Even God does not delight in promises we make that we fail to keep.

Ecclesiastes 5:4 - When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.

Many of us are guilty of this. One of the things we should be extremely careful of before going into is making a vow to God. We should never make a vow to God out of hastiness or under duress. God is not pleased when we make a vow, where He is pleased is when we fulfill the vow we made.

A promise is irrelevant if it does not end up being fulfilled at the end of the day. We should withdraw from making promises that we end up not keeping. Making a promise or a vow without keeping to it is like incurring a debt, because you owe it to that person to fulfill the promise you made.


We should teach our children how to be faithful