Why did all-powerful God murder the Haitian people during the earthquake (2 of 3)
The Sumatra Tsunami of 26th December, 2004 in Southern Asia took an estimated lives of 300,000 people. We can see this as an act of God because Job 9:5 says that it's God that shakes the earth as a manifestation of his anger.
Someone has the right to be angry against another if there's a reason for that. God also has the right to be angry. What causes God's anger is stated in Romans 1:18. It points out that God's wrath is caused by ungodliness and unrighteousness of man.
Human society has become unrighteous. You see people and nations fighting against each other for minor reasons. The first and second world wars took millions of lives, and were fought with utmost cruelty.
Who is to be blamed for this evil? Man should blamed himself, not God because God does not get angry without a cause. We're wrong. We're the transgressors and sinners.
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"Why did an all-powerful God murder the Haitian people during the earthquake?" (Part 3 of 3) -
ubani ariba (@ubani_ariba) Tweeted: https://t.co/0eAsu5FRta #posh #hive