Obedience to God's Will ( 2); Mcgi topic.

This is an opportune time for us to learn the Will of God before we die says Bro. Eli Soriano. What are we going to do to be in the things of God, to obey the word of God? We must keep His commandments for it is the whole duty of man to follow the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Galatians 6:2;

Bear ye one another's burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

That is what we have to fulfill, the will of God. Bro Soriano advises us to endeavour to listen to indoctrination sessions where he preaches the laws of Jesus Christ. What are His laws? What are His commandments? Most people think it's the ten commandments but no, what is enforced in our time is the law of Jesus Christ. The ten commandments was given in the time of Moses but when Jesus came down to Earth over 2000 years ago, He taught and His teachings are very much different from the ten commandments, they are the New Testaments. These teachings are for us to fulfill the will of God.

There are so many terrible things happening all over the world today so the present times is an opportune time to learn His will. Death is inevitable we know, that is the more reason to learn the will of God.

Hebrews 9:27 says;

And as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this, the judgement:

And if it is inevitable for us to die, let us do so with hope that before dying, we have obeyed the will of the Father, we have kept the law, the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we will die with hope that one day, we will be awakened by the Lord in the resurrection and to be with Him in paradise.
Bro Soriano invites everyone to study the teachings of our Lord so that we can do the will of God, so that we can be on God's side and He can save us from the punishment that is to come.

Thank you very much for your continuous support 🙏


Keeping the commandment of God is very important as a believer