Bro Great Nnamani
Theme: raising the axe head
Topic: Timber to make beams
Text: 2Kings 6:1-7; Nehemiah 2:4-8
There is a letter that the king needs to endorse, which you need to carry along if you're looking for timber to make beams. The Bible is the King forests. There are timbers in this forest. God will not allow any careless man to enter in, so he secures his forest with armed men.
The vision for expansion
The church in this era is bottled up. We need to expand our coast, to look beyond where we are now. What brought the axe into ministry is vision for expansion. We major in minors.
Elisha represents the elder who couldn't see. It is your responsibility to see the need of the hour. Roaming around church premises is not Christianity. It takes battles to recover borders.
Check the books of Kings in the Bible, it took fierce battles to recover territories lost. Heaven is for Victor's, more than conquerors not for victims. You have to be forceful to get what you want. It takes what is stabilized to deliver what is shaking.
Truth may be bitter but better. As one grows older, you need bitter things to live.
Building good reputation
It takes a man of good reputation to go to a neighbor to borrow anything of substance and that person will put it in your hands. The school of prophets had good reputation amongst the neighbourhood. You must drop something that equals what you are asking for. Character speaks louder.
Our themes, prayers still carry self in it. We are the salt of the earth, to stop the insults.
Beam means to lighten up and to shine forth. Elijah and the prophets went for trees planted by the riverside, trees with sap.
Why are we not in places where it is boiling?.