in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Thank you Father for another to glorify and acknowledge your holy name. All praise and thanksgiving be until your holy name.
Today I learnt that we should show joy to our fellow brethren by showing them the positive and not the negative. Going further I learnt that we must strive hard to fulfill the commandments of God. We have to erase the mind that See's the life of a true Christian as a life of suffering. When we are with God he will provide us with all we need and if our situation changes for better, then we should give thanks to him and not to ourselves.

Mathew 10:23 I learnt that as Christians when we are not accepted in a particular place we could leave that place to another land where we would be accepted. This already shows that as Christians we should stop thinking that we are hated but we should have a positive mind and know that not everyone hates us and there are people who love us.

In serving Christ trials and tribulations come but there also come tranquility because God has told us to come to him and he will give us rest. So as true Christians trials and tribulations will come but we should know that God is with us. The most important thing is to know God and acknowledge him because he will not allow tribulations that can conquer us to come rather he will give us peace.

Even if there are trials and tribulations we should have the peace of the Lord in our heart. This is for us to overcome those trials and tribulations, so when obey the doctrines of God then he will give us peace.

Also Mathew 10:22 I learnt that as Christians we shall be hated by men and also we shall face trials and tribulations but those that endure will be rewarded by God. We should not that there are people who still love us because of our work for God. Let us know that God will grant us peace of mind if we choose to be with him forever.

Lessons from today's live Thanksgiving service

  1. I learnt today that as Christians we should change the ideology that we are hated by all men but we should know that God has put in place people that love us and he will never forsake us in times of our trials and tribulations.

  2. Also I learnt that God brings peace, prosperity and blessings. When we prosper the honour belongs to God and not to you. As Christians trials and tribulations will always come but when we endure at last we would be handsomely rewarded by God.

  3. I finally learnt that we are not of this world because our reward is in heaven and whatever tribulations we face on earth is temporary because in the world we must come across trials and tribulations but if we hold unto Christ then we would be rewarded by God.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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Greetings @hivebuzz, please I wish to ask why this post was muted so I wouldn't make similar blunder, thank you.

Sorry, but we have no idea why it's been muted and who muted it. You need to ask the moderators of the community you posted in.

Okay, thank you for your noble response.