During today's mass indoctrination, we were told that, as the sole way into God's kingdom, baptism is something that every Christian should strive to accomplish. Our salvation begins the moment we confess our sins to God and are baptised; this is because one of God's commands is for us to be baptised so that God's omnipotent might can wash away our transgression. It is required of us when we are baptised that we are now a newborn baby in Christ Jesus, aware that all of our problems and sorrows have been washed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). Now, we have to accomplish everything that is required by God Almighty's law, following his actual teachings and commands and growing into becoming a true leader that God wants us to become. As the Bible says we must show ourselves approved a workman that needed no tools rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

Paul is instructing Timothy in this chapter (2 Timothy 2:15) on how to carry on with the ministry's work while he is away. He instructs Timothy to share with the people he is ministering to the lessons he has learnt from him. He advises him to persevere, to be a good soldier of Christ, to refrain from being involved in worldly affairs, to only be concerned with pleasing God, and that he will enjoy what he works for. After baptism, we now have something to perform to be like Timothy learning things from the teàching of Bro Eli taking it to the world to be the doer and not hearer alone. Membership in the Church of Jesus Christ Requires Baptism. Baptised into God's church, everyone who humbles themselves before him and expresses a desire to be baptised has sincerely repented of all their sins. Before we can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, we must be baptised. If you turn to me, repent of all your sins, and receive water baptism in the name of my Only Begotten Son, the Lord promised, "you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." To Display Obedience, We Must Be Baptised because despite not having any sin, Jesus Christ underwent baptism. In Matthew 3:15, He stated that His baptism was required "to fulfil all righteousness."

The bible discusses the wisdom of God, which is acknowledged and obtained from God's church, in Ephesians 3:10. This illustrates how amazing and powerful God is in everything that affects those of us who genuinely believe in him. Since baptism involves complete separation from the outside world, we must now continue to live in peace and harmony with those around us. The wisdom found in God's word is simply too sweet and amazing for those who are eager to learn, meditate, and absorb it without compromising with the earthly things we see around us.
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It's true! If we are willing and ready to accept the doctrines of Jesus, we must be baptized.
Exactly... We must be totally separated from the world.