It's my first time to writing after attending the mass indoctrination by Bro Eli from MCGI. I was a bit late so what I got from the sermon is purely the act of giving in the church of God. Giving should be voluntarily and not being compelled to give. When you make a vow, it is important to ensure you pay because if you don't pay, it is bad and can lead to many things. Yes money is needed in the house of God, that's very true but it is important to let people give freely and not under compulsion. You have to contribute to the house of God willingly because the money is needed to support the church growth and not to pay the pastor or for the pastor to eat with it. When you give to the church you are not giving to the pastor but to the church for Internet bills, electricity, radio station payment etc.

As stated in Philemon 1:21, Apostle Paul exhorted his fellow Christians to be obedient and confident in their practise of faith, and to strive even harder to uphold God's word and his work without harbouring grudges that would undermine their faith. It is expected of all Christians to be kind and generous to one another, remembering that people are not only a part of you, but also an extension of life. The book of 1 Corinthians 14:37 informs us that there is power and authority in teaching as well as in following the command in God's word when we do, sow, and abide by it.

Also, he further taught us to be recognised as individuals who freely contribute to God's house and who are prepared to uplift God's church each and every day of our lives. As evidenced by 1 Corinthians 16:1 and Mark 12:41, we should be givers in the house of God through our tithe payment and offerings, as well as by making vows there. We know that these acts greatly assist the poor, orphaned, and widowed members of the church, who require encouragement and assistance in spreading the gospel throughout the world. It is a tenet that defines us as authentic Christians.
Lastly, he further lay emphasis on Act 4:36 the story of the young man who sold his property to give to the house of God not by force or compelled but willingly because he understands the testimony that will follow but if you are compelled or forced to give you will get nothing in return because what you give to God must not be told to any other person. It's between you and God. Act 5:1 concluded with the story of husband and wife which the Bible said they did evil to God.

SS ✌️
Thank you friend for sharing your thoughts from the teaching. May God help us to be obedient to the doctrines
A big amen to that. May God bless you for more insights...