Tribulations. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Our experiences of hardship in life are training so that we might become strong. We are passing through those hardships and God allows us to pass through those moments of tribulations because He wants us to become stronger. We have to be strong so that we will be able to withstand the temptations of the devil. When we are strong we will be able to endure whatever we see in life and we will be able to stand strong for God.

The Lord Jesus Christ said that those that endure to the end would be saved. We learn endurance through the hardships which we suffer. Our spiritual muscles are strengthened by the hardship which we are passing through. There may be pains but the rewards which we are going to receive cannot be compared with whatever we are suffering now.

Every tribulation which we suffer as the people of God shall be compensated by God. We should not be discouraged. We should not allow the problems which we are going through discourage us. The Lord will compensate for every suffering.


Tribulations make us stronger and better.

The hardship which we are passing through is training for us to make us stronger

Sometimes we know just how much we believe in God when faced with certain circumstances.