According to God word in the book of 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 We were taught that we must seen as people who immune ourselves in God's word. because God's word was made by God to correct us from our wrong doing, to set us free from the chains of slavery which the devil has placed on us,God set his words for correction and to instruct us on things which we are expected to that we may be holy to stand before God almighty.
We were taught that God word will enable you to stick to that which Is right and depart ourselves from worldly things or things which do not glorify Gods name,as God's dedicated children, we are expected to live a life which Is pure and holy,a righteous life Worthy of emulation as seen according to the book of TITUS 2:12.
We must know that we are made in God image which demands that we are to live exactly like Christ Jesus,we must not be seen doing things which our father desist,all we are expected to do is to do God's work.and what are this God's work which we are expected to do,we are expected to proclaim God's word, preaching God's word all over the world, winning Souls for God and dedicating both our time, effort and all we can in doing God work as seen according to the book of EPHESIANS 2:10.
God Is light and as many as that will follow Christ shall become light, and can never walk in darkness.therefore we must embrace Christ by doing his will and all the Commandments which he has commanded you to do as seen according to JOHN 8:12 we are to continuously keep trusting In God doing his well and making sure that we render songs of praise to God almighty because God is always pleased when we sing praises unto his name,he is pushed to bless u more an more.
1 THESSALONIANS 5:21 God's word is instructing us the need for us to be seen as God's people who diligently stick to doing that which is always good in the sight of God,we must forsake our old pattern of life removing our gold garment and sticking to that which is right even as seen according to the book of 1 CORINTHIANS 5:7 we must ensure that we remove the old man in us and get it replaced with the new man which is christ Jesus and what are these old man in us they are hatred, jealousy backbiting,envy, and stopping the progress of our fellow brethren in Christ Jesus.
God wants us to profess love to people around us, showing care to people around us,we are to greatly embrace God in all things we do,we are to make God our First priority dedicating our First love to him and clicking on God which is the light of the world, because by so doing we will then shine forth as light we are. but when we do not have Christ in us how them can we them shine forth?that is why we ought to embrace God and his wonderful Work.