Teaching review on the mass indoctrination service held on the 29th of March 2024

It was yet another impactful teachings by Brother Eli Soriano as he thought on the importance of prayer and fasting as a believer who really expect something important from the hands of God he also taught on how husband and wives should separate themselves from each other any Time they want to engage in a fast and also how husband should treat their wife according to the doctrine of Christ even to wives the instructions of God to them as how to behave towards their husbands I really learnt a lot from the teaching

Prayer and fasting is very important in a live of every child of God who really wants to receive answers from God prayer is an act of communicating with God telling him what our heart desires and also hear what his desire for us is while fasting is like a catalyst that speeds us the answer to our prayers when we engage in fasting and praying God answers speedy but we should understand that there's a way that we need to fast for it to be acceptable before God seeing from ISAIAH 58:6 we understand that there's a fast that God choose which is one to loose the bands of wickedness which include stopping every act of disobedience to the word of God and stopping every sin that might hinder the fast from being effective sins like alcoholism smoking lying stealing sexual sin etc we should stop all those sinful acts

Also the bible said in the same verse to undo the heavy burdens when we fast we should not show all our burdens and problem on our face so people we know we're fasting bible say we should undo the heavy burdens and also let the oppressed go free like if someone is owing us for a long time and could not be able to pay up we should forgive their debts and let them go free

Also when we fast we should anoint our face so we won't appear to be fasting in the sight of people and even when we pray we should not stand like the hypocrite who stand outside to pray for people to hear them but we should know that we are praying to God and not man so we should enter inside where we can only commune with God and when we seek him secretly he will reward us openly MATTHEW 6:16
To husband and wife who desire to fast it is better to abstain from each other especially sexually for a while so that their fasting can be effective


Brother Eli Soriano also taught about the duties of husbands to their wives from EPHESIANS 5:23-25 we understand that the husband is the head of the wife and should act as such the way Christ is the head of the church of God the husband should stand to their responsibility and provide for the family as the head of the house 1 TIMOTHY 5:8 Also the husband should love his wife as Christ Loves the church he should not hurt his wife but treat them as the weaker vessels they are
Also to the wives bible instructed that they should submit to their husband submitting in everything both in their body it is the husband that owns the wife so let them be obedient to their husbands

As man you should not cover your head when praying or prophesying because covering your head as a man is a dishonour from God because God is the head of the man 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 4 But for the woman when she pray let her cover her head to show honour to her husband who is her head and her glory 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 7-15 so it is not good for a woman to cut her hair which God had given to her as a covering to her head

I understand that when the husband and wife is living righteously their children will become good example and also live an outstanding live that pleases God





1 PETER 3:6

1 PETER 3: 1




