
Glory to God for another awesome day in the presence of God to hear and learn the true doctrine of Christ by Brother Eli Soriano the Lord has been using him mighty to open our eyes to the revelation of the word of God Thank you sir when I heard him sing I was like wow how melodious was his voice I was just smiling and nodding my Head God bless you sir

In today's teaching brother Eli talked about the importance of belonging to the Church of God where he preach and teach about the right word of God and the true doctrine of Christ and not just going to any church we should be very sure if the church is doing exactly what the word of God said in 2 Corinthians 1:1 we understand that the church is a place where people with different believe and tradition come together under one body and one believe of Christ both the Jews and the Greek comes to understand the teaching doctrines of Christ in the church this is why we should be sure if truly the church is practicing what the word says Everyone needs to belong to a Church of God as soon as we accept Jesus as Christ and our personal saviour it is important to learn the teachings and commandments of our Lord and we cannot do that if we are not in the gathering of the brethren which are in the church of God that is what the book of John 11:52 said also in Ephesians 4:4 we understand that we are all one body in Christ and we should be able to represent him and not to be ashamed of his gospel but we should live as people who are of the image of Christ


1 Corinthians 11:20 and 16 said God called his own church THE CHURCH OF GOD not of Rome or by any other name which he has not commanded every church he built up should be the church of God not a fellowship or an international meeting or even ministry they are not in the scripture moreover Act 20:28 instructed us to be aware of teachings from false prophets and deceivers of men the antichrist they teach what is not in the word of God just to deceive many and take their eyes away from doing the will of God but Christ will definitely punish all those trying to deceive his flocks by teaching them the wrong doctrine
From the book of Isaiah 43:7 we understand that we have been made under the same image and likeness of our Lord we should behave as one let Christ be seen in us representing him in all we do we should not be found as people who worship idols or even people that worship animals that God gave us dominion over when we worship all this things it reduces our nature making those things we were supposed to have dominion over to now rule over us which is a shame John 17:11 gave us a clear understanding that we are not of this world so we should not be cut up with the things of this world we should not behave like this people of the world there should be a difference between us and them 1 Timothy 3:15

The only God we have been commanded to worship is God the creator of the earth the one who created us not the ones we created with our own hands or even the animals that we have authority over James 3:7 and Romans 1:25



In all we do let the love of God abide with us and in us always working in love and been of good behavior and conduct and we should flee from all forms of bad behavior that will make us not to be in good terms with God our lifestyle should should be a good example to others and also a means of winning souls for Christ Romans 12:9 we should also remember we are all one body in Christ regardless of race color whether Greek or Jews Christ has made us all one through the gospel of truth so no body should look down on anyone that's is what the scripture said in Ephesians 3:6 and 1 Corinthians 10:32
Let our work be in righteousness following the leading and instructions of Christ and prevent anything that will separate us from the Love of God


MARK 20:28
JOHN 17:11
LUKE 18:19





This was.a well detailed review. It's amazing how the mysteries in God's word keeps unfolding in each session.

Yes sis
I'm glad you went through my review