Hello everyone,am glad to be here and to share with you all the amazing teachings i learnt from bro Eli's message on the topic:
Learning how to forgive
Forgiveness indeed has been a great word used oftenly in our society.
Most times its a word so difficult to practice on daily basis.
But it's a requirement from the bible.
Our daily lives are full of offenses cause by others to us,and it seems impossible to forgive when we are mad or angry.
Yes i may understand that it is not easy because for every action there's always an equal or opposite reaction.
But from this means we are told that our actions to hurts, betrayal, pains should not be anger or unforgiveness.
Biblically from the book of matthew 6 verse 14
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
[15] But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
From the above scripture,one of the important benefit of forgiving others is the privilege we have in God to forgive our sins when we also sin against him
Once we take forgiveness as something we do for ourselves not just for the other person
It will be easier to let go of offenses,hurts,and betrayals.
Therefore as Christians though we are in the world full of uncertainties, betrayal pains and hurt let's remember that its our place and its biblical to keep forgiving our offenders to that we can also obtained mercy and forgiveness from our heavenly father.