Day 13 Mass Indoctrination service with Brother Eli. On 26-January-2022.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

I once again give all the glory to God almighty for the opportunity to hear his word. I also say thank you to brother Eli for breaking down a lot during the service.

What I learnt.
I actually opportuned to learn a lot from the service. First thing I grabbed was about grief sins that cannot be forgiven.
From the scriptures in 1 John 5:16 from this passage I was made to understand that there are two types of sins which includes:

  • sin unto death.
  • Sin not unto death.

If a person sins but that sin is not unto death the person can pray, also brethren can pray for such a person asking God for mercy on behalf of the person and he shall be forgiven, but if a person sins unto death, there's no redemption or mercy for such a person as he cannot obtain mercy. In the gathering of brethren/Believers expulsion of a member who goes contrary to the doctrines if God is allowed, because when evil acts of members are not looked into and given the right punishment, such a person tends to lure other members away. From the scriptures in Romans 2:29-23 brethren were given instructions to do away with any evil person who goes contrary to the will of God.

I as well learnt that there is nothing like rebaptism anywhere in the Bible, baptism is to be done once, once done should not be done again for any reason.

What are sins unto death?
There are few sins listed in the Bible that are seen as sins unto death and I will share with you.

First we have blasphemy: No one should talk ill or bad about the holy Spirit for any reason. Talking ill about the holy Spirit is a grief sin and cannot be forgiven. From the scriptures in Matthew 12:32 and also in mark 3:29, where the Bible stated it clearly that whosoever blaspheme the holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

Another things we should abstain from as brethren includes:

  • Do not eat the blood of any animal.
  • Avoid worshipping idols for the Lord our God is a jealous God and cannot stand to see his Glory given to another.
  • Do not eat meals already offered to idols for any reason.
  • Flee from fornication.
  • Do not eat strangled meat as well.

What can be seen as an idol.??
From the scriptures in Psalms 115:4-9 idols are seen as images which are made by men so as to worship those images, they can be made up of silver, wood or even gold. Idols have eyes but cannot see, they also have ears but cannot hear anything, they have mouth as well but cannot speak and we were made to understand that idols are like those who carved them out or made them.

Only God deserves our Glory to him alone belongs all our praises, so therefore we are only expected to kneel before him, worship daily. Another worship that is not worship to God Almighty in heaven is seen as idolatry. From the scriptures in 1 Peter 4:3 we were made to know that it is an abomination to kneel before idols or even worship an idol.

From the scriptures in Romans 1:25 sees idol worshipping as swapping the truth God gave us for a lie and worshipping a creature they made by themselves instead of worshipping their Creator.

I learnt that we should never eat food offered as sacrifice to idols.
I was also made to understand that worshipping of idols corrupt the soul and makes the inward man turn into a beast. Whoever eats meals offered to idols defiles his spiritual man. As believers we should never partake in any feast related to idols. From the scriptures in Revelations 22:8-9 we were made to know that the angel rebuked John for kneeling down before him and told him that he is a fellow servant, this Is an evidence that we are only supposed to bow before the Almighty God.

Why eating of blood and also why eating of strangled meat is forbidden for Believers.
From the scriptures 17:10-13, where we were made to understand that God will punish whosoever eats blood in any way, he will also do away with them and isolate them from. Amongst his children, the life of the outer man that is the flesh is in the blood which God gave us upon the altar as attornment for our sins, this proves that blood is precious to God who created it.
We were given instructions on how to slaughter animals, we were instructed that whenever we slaughter an animal we should let the blood pour and afterwards cover it with sand.

Eating of strangled meat is forbidden for every Believer.

Why fornication forbidden for every believer.
From the scriptures in 1 Corinthians 6:15-19, we were made to understand that our body as believers is part of Christ body and at same time it is the temple of the Lord, so fornication is not supposed to be taking part of Christ body and making it a prostitute. We as well learnt that any man who has sexual intercourse with a prostitute becomes one body with her.
Whenever we indulge in fornication we defile our body which is the temple of God.

Few things about Christ was also said.
From the service I got to learn a lot about Christ From the scriptures in Acts 2:7 it's not appropriate for us to think that Christ is human because he took human flesh and cane down to die for our sins. In John 1:4 we were made to understand that the word became flesh and as we all know that word is God. The spirit of Christ was begotten by God while Mary only gave birth to the flesh and not the spirit. I. John 17:5 where we got to know that before the world was created the father had already glorified the son. This shows Christ already ruled with the father even before the existence of the world.

My view of the service.
I came to know that false gods can also be seen as idols.
Any believer that wants to grow his spiritual man must not eat food offered to idols as it turns the spiritual man into a beast.
Always pray to God to give you the grace to abide and live by all of his doctrines.

Former believe.

I used to think Believers can eat food offered but thanks to this eyes opening service, that believe is no more.

How the study affected me.

The study affected me in more positive ways, as I will avoid worshipping or kneeling down to any god who is not the Almighty God in heaven.
Avoid eating blood at all cost.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

I hope the service made an impact in your life.