God want s us to be his friends, he wants us to communicate with him at will and keep his commandments.

video from the old path youtube channel

In Proverbs, it is said that the fear of God is the begining of wisdom. Some people claim to love God, they claim to serve God but when it is time to keep the commandments of God, they tend to be far lacking.

The will of God is to obey the commandments that he has layed out for us to follow. When we love God, we will respect and fear God. Not only that, we will also do his will which is to keep his commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13 throws a lot of light about why you should fear God and keep his commandments. It is said that the duty of man is to fear God and keep the commandment of God.

People can be very disobedient, even to God the creator. We must obey God in other to be inside the care and under the juridistion of God. Remember, to obey is better than to sacrifice. We have to obey the will of God and his will are his commandments.

Matthew 7:21, in this verse, the lord Jesus said that the only thing that can give a person the free visa to go into the kingdom of heaven, is when they do the will of God. This means that they must be able and willing to abide by the laws of God before they are eligible for heaven. No matter how we pray, no matter how we meditate, no matter what we do, if we do not keep the commandments of the father, if we do not do the will of God, then we will not enter into heaven. However, if we do the will of God, if we follow his commandments, then this means we are for God. God will love us and God will come unto us.

We should try as much as possible to keep the words that Christ teach us. We should not be hypocrites, neither shall we do anything bad, but we should maintain ourselves and keep the commandments of the lord Jesus.


Indeed we have to practice that which we preach and that which was taught by Jesus Christ.

its not just by listening to the teachings, we should go a step further to put all that which we hear, into practice. that way< we can say tha we love God.


Exactly that's the real love.
Thanks so much

As Christians we ought to keep the commandments of God

we need to. this is the major thing that makes us stand out and qualify us as children of God

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Good to see you posting on our community brother @nwothini335

its good to be here again

Disobedience is a rebellious act and God detests rebellion.

we should all be obedient to God

This is the only way to show we love God, keeping to His commandments.

true.. that is the only way

We must be obedient to God

yes we must