Keeping Our Family Together. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

Our family is the beautiful gift God gives us. The family union is a great blessing. We are blessed with our loved ones. Keeping them together and living in harmony as a family is pleasing to God.

The best way to keep our family intact is by following the commandments of God. When we teach our children the ways of God, they will live in obedience to us, the parents. There will love in the family if we follow God's instructions.

Giving our children the basic necessities of life is good. But that alone will not make us have a united family. The children can enjoy the good things of life as their parents give them but, they will turn against us if we forget to point them to the Word of God.

Studying the Bible together as a family and making our children to listen to the teachings of the doctrines of God will make our children grow up to possess the fear of God. When our children have the fear of God, we can be sure that the family will be united. It is where children have 🐝 allowed to grow against the commandments of God that there are insubordination and disobedience.


We will be able to keep our family through the word of God.