in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Luke 9:23 (KJV) And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Believing in the holy week is a religious illusion. It is a falsehood because there is no day that the Bible regards as unholy. Everyday is holy before God and we are to keep everyday holy. God wants us to serve and obey him everyday. We must live holy everyday. There is no day or week in which God has given to us to live in unholiness. We must keep everyday holy unto God.

It is not a biblical principles that we should hallow on week out of the 52 weeks in the year. We are to live for God on a daily basis. We should not allow unholiness in our lives any day. There is no week that is unholy. There is no week that is holy.

The Lord Jesus Christ told His followers that they should carry their cross and follow him on a daily basis. We are not to drop the cross at anytime. We are to carry it and follow him daily. That means we should live holy everyday. So, there is no holy week. God expects us to be holy everyday.


If we say that one week is holy that means that the other 51 weeks are not holy. That is not true

As Christian we are ought to carry our cross and follow Christ on daily basis