in MCGI Cares Hive4 months ago

Back in Nigeria, Sundays are dedicated to attending church services. It is an upheld value for years, something for both believers and unbelievers. In my case, I happen to be born in a Christian family and we do not joke with attending Sunday service. I doubt if I have ever been in my parents’ house and have been away from church on a Sunday, despite any surrounding circumstance.

Sunday happens to be the most stressful yet joyful day of my life. Beginning from the fact that I have to think of a beautiful attire to put on, shoes, head cover, bag and accessories to match. The whole dress up thought begins from Saturday, as my parents dislike arriving church late. Our usual arrival time, is few minutes past seven, as service begins by 8:00am. Not only do I think of my appearance on Sunday, but I go ahead to try them at home, and get any problem fixed before Sunday.


And the day I have planned heavily for finally arrives, I am forced to wake up as early as 5:00am, and head for morning devotion which takes thirty (30) minutes of our time. After the devotion, cooking and cleaning follows up simultaneously, everything done in haste though.
By exactly 7:00am, everyone is expected to meet in the car, having freshened up, dressed completely and taken breakfast. But due to haste, many times we abandon our breakfast on the dining table to avoid delaying Mom and dad and getting yelled at for being sluggish.

The journey to church begins, as we formed the habit of playing edifying gospel music and dancing to its rhythm. My church happens to be a fifteen (15) drive from my house, especially without hold ups.
On getting to church, my siblings and I get offering from mom and part ways to meet after service.

At this point, we all seem to forget about the whole stress we had been through before arriving at church because of the cold and welcoming atmosphere. We get to meet people, both new and old faces, share our funny experiences at home before arriving at church and even complimenting ourselves. All these happens few minutes to the beginning of the service.

Particularly in my church, after opening prayers, we move forward to an interactive session where the word of God is diluted amongst us. We get to discuss characters in the bible; frown at their mistakes, learn from their good deeds and apply lessons to ourselves.
Another impacting session on Sunday, is the worship session. OMG, at this point, individuals are left to reflect on the goodness of God and adore God for HIS nature while the worship leader sings songs that edifies the soul.




And to another session where burdens are lifted, yokes are broken, and God is moved. A time where we dance, dance and dance to the glory of God and to the shame of the devil.
I always feel like this session, should never come to an end. I usually look around during this time, and I realized that even those who came in with a sad face, always put on a smiley face during the praise session.


To the concluding part of the service, we hear God speak to us as a person, through HIS servant. The future is revealed, prophecies are spoken and broken ways are mended again.



People who felt lost in the middle of nowhere in their lives, begin to hear God directs them.
At the end at the message, everyone is left to say something to our creator.



Surprisingly, all the above sessions happen between 8:00am to 11:30am. The remaining minutes is used for exchange of pleasantries, taking of photographs and lots of catching up.




Sincerely, I have never left the presence of God being gloomy, despite my entrance mood.
It pays to be at HIS feet.

Thank you for reading up, all photos are not sourced.


Yes deàr in the presence of God there is joy