Good day my fellow brethren in Christ. I learnt alot from our day 1 Mass Indoctrination held today been the 10th of January, 2022. By brother Eli
Here is a short video reaction of lessons learnt
Below are some important points I learnt from God's words discussed in the Zoom meeting
We need to study the true doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ for us not to be deceived. So we need to careful for us not to listen to the wrong doctrines because if we do,all what we are doing is in vain.
Before God ascended to heaven he gave his appostles the instructions to make disciples of all nations
Mathew 28:19-20 According to this verses,what our lord Jesus Christ instructed the appostles to do is to teach the people to observe all things which includes the doctrines.
The first thing to observe is baptism and before baptism,we should first listen to the doctrines.
Acts 22:16 The first thing Paul was told to obey,like the first commandment Jesus asked Paul to do is to arise and be baptized that's the proof that baptism is the best commandment.
The purpose for baptism is
Acts 2:46-47 what this verse made us understand is that, those who received the words were added to the church. There is no way you can be added to the church without listening to the words of God.
We were also meant to understand that,Some pastors are saying that,the church is no longer necessary in our word today. Which an example of Pat Robertson pahina 58-59 was given.
Brother Eli made us understand that,if the entering the Church cannot save us why did Christ built the church?
In the bible the church was built for man to join
Ephesians 3:6 Which made us understand that , we Gentiles are the members of the same body which is the church of God.
Colossians 1:18 Christ is the head of the body which is the church. So it is clear that joining the Church make is members of the same body.
Act 20:20 We were meant to understand that, Christ love the church so dearly,for some pastors this days that are saying the church is not important anymore. The Church is for eternity purpose.The church is also the instrument which the wisdom of God will be established. So for those who are saying the church is not needed anymore is wrong and it's not True. The manifold of God will be made known through the church...
My old belief that was improved after hearing God's words during the zoom meeting
I never knew other churches apart from the church of God is not part of the bible.
The study have made affected me and make me a better person in the following ways
Matthew 16:18 Upon the rock I will build my church. What the bible teach is church of God no such thing as Baptism, Jehovah witness, fellowship e.t.c in the bible. But the church mentioned in the bible is the institution that Christ esterblished is the church of God which he purchased with his blood. Everything Christ owned is called by his name not by any other name.
Praise be to God.
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