Hello everyone welcome to my blog.

Today's lessons was great and I picked a lot of things from it.There is Joy in togetherness, and this togetherness shows love. Keep in mind that the reason for togetherness is to observe on another, there was gathering of the early Christians, Acts 20:7 explained how the early Christians gather and put more time into studying the word of God, for it is very important to study the doctrine of God when ever breathen gather together, So the early Christians gather to see one another, check up on each other. Let all things be done to edify.

One of the most joyful thing or activity on earth is singing, we practice singing in almost everything, when God was creating the world, his Angels.was singing for God. Revelation 7:12 Amen blessing, and Glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving and honor and power and mind be unto our Lord forever and ever amen.

Then according to Revelation 5:11 said that there was many Angels there are over a thousands and times thousands and thousands. Therefore there were many that was singing.

Even David always sing to God, we are ought to sing always and the acknowledge the gathering of Christians and follow the doctrine of God as well.
So that we know that singing is important, even the 24 Elders sing for God, singing is giving praise unto the name of God.

Some bible passages read:
Revelation 5:11
Job 38:4
Revelation 15:1
1 Corinthians 14:26
Hebrews 10:25
Revelation 7:12
Acts 20:7.


we should sing joyful songs to God almighty

Yeap, that's good.
Thanks for stopping by.

Such an interesting review
God bless his word

Thanks so much for stopping by

Thank you for the lessons you share, friend